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Make Grieving Weaver great


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o/ there,


Just wondered if anybody has done some non-casual testing on the topic of grieving weaver yet.

Have been playing around with it for quite a long time now and while it's not bad per se I thought that somebody maybe can offer me some help on it.


So after grinding the golem in the special forces training area for a while, I managed to get my DPS to a consistent 30-31k during multiple tries.

The rotation is pretty much the same as the power sword variant....Just other utility skills, which you basically just spam off CD.


Personally I prefer it over the power sword variant Mostly just because I despise using the clunky conjures (which the build i tested doesnt use at all).

Anyway, If some of you have some experience with it, I would welcome any suggestions for improvement.


Here is the setup I used for my 30-31k DPS trials.



From my testing, I found that:


Signet of Fire beats Glyph of Elemental Power by about 2k dps.

The difference in DPS between FGS and Glyph of Elementals is marginal on this build, but the Glyph just plays more fluently.

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To make use of the condition in the build, you would need Weave Self, which is quite a bad pick for certain bosses because somehow we get added Toughness than -% damage and the high demand on Alacrity and Quickness to make use of Weave Self so even Condi Weaver cannot be picked there. You run Air/Fire Fresh Air so you can use Lava Skin for condi and Fresh air for power burst, which brings low condition damage as you do not have Earth, but you almost balance it out with Weave Self, running Earth wold be a troll pick in terms of added Toughness on the already added one from Weave Self, which is why full Condi is not a viable pick in any way. Thieves would be raging at you for that.


Also, Power Build brings more damage than Condition Build which pretty much places Hybrid in between. While the hybrid might be higher than condi, it still has the same issues as condi (Weave Self, permanent Alacrity and Quickness for weave self).


Last time I have seen a hybrid rotation was in testing condition but never made it out live. I know ANet might have made this Quad gear for weaver specifically, but it fails in almost all game modes and is still inferior to Power or Bunker.

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Rotation and build guide:



It is old though. I believe there can be improvements to the rotation, but the damage would still not get us there to fully use it. Also some bosses require power build as of the burst nature, any power that fails to burst like Herald is unknown of. Other bosses require condi. So hybrid still sounds a bit hard to take.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> To make use of the condition in the build, you would need Weave Self, which is quite a bad pick for certain bosses because somehow we get added Toughness than -% damage and the high demand on Alacrity and Quickness to make use of Weave Self so even Condi Weaver cannot be picked there. You run Air/Fire Fresh Air so you can use Lava Skin for condi and Fresh air for power burst, which brings low condition damage as you do not have Earth, but you almost balance it out with Weave Self, running Earth wold be a troll pick in terms of added Toughness on the already added one from Weave Self, which is why full Condi is not a viable pick in any way. Thieves would be raging at you for that.



Ye, I have tested weave self and not only is it super clunky to "weave" into the rotation (huehue), but it also doesnt really do much, when Burning is essentially the only condi I can use effectively on this build.


And funnily enough, I think of this build primarily as a power build....with burning as a complementary feature rather than a main focus. So im not really going out of my way to pick up condition traits (like the earth traitline) if it hurts my power damage.

Although I havent really paid close attention to it....id say the power to condi dmg split from my build is somewhat like 70-30.


Edit: After watching the video, I might actually have to try to some more testing with different sigils and/or food maybe.

Its a bit of a pity Anet reduced the bonus critchance of superior elements in pve by 5% ....so now its actually harder to get by without using accuracy sigils.

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I've run this in fractals and raids for a while with good results:




Swap signet of fire for GoEP if you have a group comp that gives you 100% crit (spotter, banners, fractal pots).


In fractals, I usually either conjure a FGS or a druid spirit (sylvary, could go with hounds if human), swap the elite, use the fractal singularity and then use the elemental.

Fire elemental does some good burning, you just need to use its skill anytime is off CD.


You need to keep both weaver prowes and elements of rage going, so constant swapping is important. This is the most important part, as you need it to keep 100% burn duration.


The rotation goes something like:

air/air -> fire/air->pre-cast GoS->#3 + primordial stance as you swap fire/fire->#2->#3->aa chain->air/fire->#4->aa chain->#5 as you swap into air/air->#3->#4->aa chain->fire/air-> repeat


Even in fights with phases, if you do your opener right you will get so much dmg and burn stacks that it will be a huge (~60k on a good group) burst.

It works even better if you have a guard and/or a sun spirit giving you more burn procs.


I don't like to take fresh air as it can mess up the rotation, locking you out of fire. But it can be used if you prefer from BttH. Keep in mind though that BttH increases your dps at the end of fights, a moment that can be very crucial if you are in a PUG where things go bad...

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You could try focus offhand for fire 4+5, but I'm not sure if that's better, it could be.

When needed you could swap to aura detonate cleanse and air 5 is a very decent cc.


Also 5% dmg or 10% condi sigil instead of force could end up better, depending on the encounter and your distribution.


Either way, 31kdps is very solid and okay, and you dont seem to have infusions: all the benchmarks are made with infusions, keep that in mind.


I love seeing someone else using elemental elite for dps, though I was the only one. Conjures are shit! And the elemental elite isnt even that much worse that the alternatives.

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