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Terrifying Descent with Lesser Fear in Curses Necro trait.


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The Curses trait "Plague sending" is currently considered meta for Curses Scourge damage builds.


However, I have been trying Terrifying Descent which causes Fear to cause additional Torment. It also synergizes well with Demonic Lore where Torment causes additional burning.


My main question is there any other way to activate "lesser fear" besides falling down on an opponent when Terrifying Descent is selected ?


Is falling down on an opponent from a greater height the only way to activate "lesser Fear"?


Is there another way to activate "Lesser Fear" perhaps by using knockdown skills with torch skill 5?







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Currently , Curses 2-2-1

Soul reaping 2-2-3

Scourge 3-3-2


Is what I consider to be Meta Curses Scourge.


I want to know if selecting Curses 1-2-1 would be worth it for Terrifying Descent.


I'm tempted to start using this skill based on only the additional torment when Fear skills activate.


However, if there are other ways to activate "lesser fear", then a Scourge Curses build would have access to a third Fear skill. Staff 5 or Scourge Shade 3 "Garish Pillar" are currently the only 2 ways I know to Trigger fear.


Are there any other ways to trigger fear on foes like the skill "Spectral Ring"?

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lesser TERRIFY is the skill that causes fear when you fall from a height with terrifying descent. regular terrify is reaper shroud #3.


Staff 5, shroud 3/garish pillar, spectral ring, skills that corrupt boons (stability becomes fear), elite with rune of the sunless, lich form 3

these are all the skills you can use to fear enemies.

There is no such thing as lesser fear and terrifying descent only activates by taking fall damage near enemies.


By the way, put this in the necromancer forum next time. This is clearly more about necro than about pvp in general.

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Well this is about optimizing a PvP Scourge build.


I suppose if someone could elaborate why the 2 conditions transferring "Plague Sending" when shroud is first used is better than "Terrifying Descent" in more situations would be helpful too.


That is usually the reason why a certain skill/trait is considered to be more efficient in more different scenarios.


But I definitely forgot about the corrupt of stability turning into Fear as another option.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> The Curses trait "Plague sending" is currently considered meta for Curses Scourge damage builds.


> However, I have been trying Terrifying Descent which causes Fear to cause additional Torment. It also synergizes well with Demonic Lore where Torment causes additional burning.


Terrifying Descent is trap, it looks like it should be good but has next to no value in practice.


Terrifying Descent only applies torment when you apply fear, now lets look at Scourge's fear sources.

-Garish Pillar on a 12.75s cooldown

-Reaper's Mark on a 32s cooldown

-Stability Corruption

-Terrifying Descent's fall damage proc


Of those, the fall damage proc will pretty much never happen in pvp because of how few places in the game are even high enough for you to take fall damage and Stability Corruption is extremely matchup dependent and isn't something you should ever rely on for build crafting purposes.


This leaves us with Garish Pillar and Reaper's Mark. Now the Torment procced by Terrifying Descent is only 1 stack for 3s, which is completely trivial damage wise considering how long the cooldowns on Reaper's Mark and Garish Pillar are. Thus as you say the real value is that you could potentially proc Demonic Lore. Our most frequent fear source is Garish Pillar, however Garish Pillar already applies torment due to triggering the Shade auto. Thus Garish Pillar will proc Demonic Lore without needing Terrifying Descent, and since Demonic Lore has a 3s ICD so you can't get a second Demonic Lore proc from Garish Pillar by taking Terrifying Descent. This leaves Reaper's Mark has the only skill that could take advantage of the Terrifying Descent + Demonic Lore synergy, however since Reaper's Mark has a 32s cooldown, you aren't going to be getting frequent enough value out of it to make it worthwhile.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> terrifying descent is only useful with the scourge gm demonic lore.


No it's not. See previous post. The only way Terrifying Descent + Demonic Lore could be good is if the ICD on Demonic Lore is removed. Which will never happen for obvious balance reasons.

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You definitely have to bring Spectral Ring to try and benefit more from Terrifying Descent.


The real power of Fear is interrupting the enemy and then dropping a Shade on top of the enemy when they can do nothing about it.


Normally, dropping a shade will immediately cause torment and trigger demonic lore . The only way Garish pillar would trigger Demonic lore a Second time, is if you wait 3 seconds after you drop a Shade and Fear triggers.


This would be hard to do, but it is possible that it will happen accidentally as Garish pillar may come off cooldown 3 seconds after the first Shade is dropped.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > terrifying descent is only useful with the scourge gm demonic lore.


> No it's not. See previous post. The only way Terrifying Descent + Demonic Lore could be good is if the ICD on Demonic Lore is removed. Which will never happen for obvious balance reasons.


I get plenty of stab corrupts since most builds run stab.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Normally, dropping a shade will immediately cause torment and trigger demonic lore . The only way Garish pillar would trigger Demonic lore a Second time, is if you wait 3 seconds after you drop a Shade and Fear triggers.


Garish Pillar itself causes a shade auto, not just the shade drop. It is literally impossible to get a second proc on garish pillar with terrifying descent.



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