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Suggestion: Making WvW more relevant to players and guilds

The Lethe.2953

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X-post from reddit.


I don't believe alliances is enough to help WvW. The end result is just changing who we fight and who we fight with. The current server matching already does that. (yes alliances will help with timezone imbalances, but for my actual play experience, not as much).


Make WvW what it always should have been. More about the guilds!! The easiest way to do that would be about what computers do very well, crunch numbers and present data! (Fit Bit and other health tracker/runner junkies will understand this very well).


**Give my guild our WvW stats!** Show me where we stack up in kills, defenses, captures, revives, etc to other guilds on our world and across all guilds in WvW (NA/EU). Show us how many points our world earned since we captured bloodlust. Show us how big of an impact we made in this timezone. Give the guild medals for punching above our weight (i.e. earning higher ppt or K/D ratio than other larger guilds in our world. Give the guild medals for spending more time outmanned than any other guild. Give scouts a weekly bonus they can redeem for something, loot, wvw exp, if they are in the top 20% (or a set time) of shared squad participation. Let the guild exchange the medals for guild hall decorations, titles for all guild members, or Capes with our guild emblem on it (shoulder armor pieces).


**Make a true leaderboard showing the guilds with top stats, filterable by all kinds of categories.** K/D, PPT enabled (not just captured but held after we captured it, bloodlust earned, kills due to that bloodlust, combat res/revives, yaks escorted, hours scouted, # of disables used, # of supply traps, etc. I want the weekly and previous weeks WvW stats to be sorted so that the guild's biggest impact shows up as a prominent feature in the guild page.


In short, **I want my guild to see the difference we make. I want us to be able to set measurable goals for ourselves. I want to be able to have the game show us how we actually did. I want us to be able to see that we mattered. I want the week's ending to actually matter to us.** Make Thursday/Friday worth putting effort in so we can reach our goal.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > My roaming/havok grp has been wishing for this; each year in our Christmas stocking...


> How much barbacue's have you guys done with all the coal in your stockings? lol


Let's just say our baked walnuts are pretty much burnt at this stage ;) but still...

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> @"The Lethe.2953" said:

> **Give my guild our WvW stats!**

>i.e. earning higher ppt or K/D ratio than other larger guilds in our world.


while K/D is nice to know, it doesnt really matter for the match. the more important number is K-D. i can have an insanely good K/D with my 1 man roaming guild and have little effect on the overal match because K-D is still pretty low compared to large guilds.


i think the biggest problem is actually how those stats are gathered, as the way can render their value pretty low.

even with just easy things like the kills. example:

your server has 26 active guilds running with 25 people each (i know not realistic, just to show the mechanic)

25 of these guilds just do their thing and participate, some get more kills, some less. the last guild however sends 1 person each to tag along with the other 25 guilds and tag all their kills. then the last guild will have by a huge margin the most kills, if participating in a kill is enough.

you also cannot make it to complex to determine who gets the kill for serverload. so another option would be last hit wich again will not be precise and favor some professions. or you make it count only stomps, but who does stomp in lager scale?


no matter how you measure it, people will read into data more than they should and it can cause people to compete for that score more than to play efficiently for their team, therefor the way such score is generated has to be selected very carefully.


but overall: why not?

while i would also prefer personal stats, starting with just guild stats is still a start.

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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > We already keep track of great WvW guilds at saltybeavers.com. If you didn't make the list, try again next year.


Maybe am wrong but the only small guild in your 2018-2017 list is trex so yeah right to above;( …......tell Kazu-kun to stay out my keep at 3am!;)




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