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Off-meta healers in Fractals.


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Fractals favor burst damage. Thats why only good healers are those that bring offensive buffs and utility.

Think of it this way: if your party is good then healer brings nothing so they are clearing as 4.


Right now there are 2 good healers for fractals and one ok.

There are 2 meta comps for fractals (each of them better in some fractals and worse in others):




From the second one, renegade is usualy the healer but diviner renegade and healer fb works too

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On off Meta you have :

Auramancer : great healing burst, mid range heal; condi cleanse; magnetic aura for projectiles, some boonshare mights/protection essentialy. Con : no dmg buff, it's just pur healing ...

Scourge : Barriers, good healing, vampiric presence = small dmg buff, 25 mights sharing, boonstrip, and it is the best rez machine ever. It's more adequate as second healer (druid as the first so) in raids, if the group doesn't perform well.

Inspiration Chrono : It's basically a boon chrono, but with healing. In a way this is sometimes better to gear for healing if you can't bring DPS with diviner gear while doing your support rotation. This is mainly for tanking in raids, or static group in fractals (chrono+4DPS)

Edit : Yes, you have scrapper too.


Fb or Ren, the great debate;

FB : if you pug essentially, Healer FB (+boon duration) will give you a large pack of utilities as perma stab, perma anti-proj, aegis spam, condicleanse/resistance, constant healing/regen and will carry heavily your group, more than Ren; it fits various groups easier too because of that : You can duo with Ren, Chrono, Druid, or you can be the only support role, it will be okai.

Ren : better healing burst, might not be that easy, due to energy management, range, people ignorance... But yeah, on the DPS criteria you lose less to take harrier Ren + Zerk/diviner FB than the opposite.

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I use a [full magi support scrapper build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqensTBFpitbBeZB0ehFDjiuxf8KXc/6vNIMAuv8D-jxhXABqoHYblg6+AAkT5XonAAA2f4I1fCAkA8ecPA49cP3z9cP3jpzYOmj5YOmj59cP3z9IFgfzsA-e "full magi support scrapper build") in fractals whenever a certain LFG fractal group needs a healer, especially for higher tier fractals where huge damage and conditions tend to be a problem. The build is nothing like the ones posted on [metabattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Support_Healer "metabattle") or [snowcrows](https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/engineer/scrapper/heal/ "snowcrows"), but it is still a great healing build. Some elitists may despise it, but the pugs I've been in thus far have been very accepting of it and I've helped them get through some very tough situations.

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> @"Riku.4821" said:

> I saw a few builds, on SC, of like Scourge or Guardian Healer. Are these builds useful in Fractals?

> Because I don't mind being a healer, I just don't like druid.

First that you should do - never believe build from sc and others .. Sometime make fast look to metabatle, and better ask exp players like me and others on forum.

And answer, is yes, rene heal + fb heal is usefull in fractals. Sometimes You will be additional needed add scrourge supp and make 3 supp + 2 dps party. Be read do this after instabilities update mote often.


> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> Heal/support Firebrand is great and has super carry potential. Problem is that most PUGs are still "LFG chrono+druid"

This is not problem, if u rene or fb make you pt, adverse - "lfg dps".


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