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To Kill a God


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The problem is the final boss Balthazar.


Once Aurene(blue dragon) appear, you need to base on her. She will cast a blue circle and you can press "-" there, for an attack to stun Balthazar's critical attack. She will also cast blue bubble during the fight to give u shield. But it is subject to AURENE IS NOT PRISONED.


End and good luck....


p.s. you may experience become naked after the fight like me lol

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  • 3 months later...

This was very helpful. Because of you I was finally able to complete this part of the story. I hate the way GW2 doesn't really provide adequate information like weather something requires a group or can be done solo and here's how. Guides are helpful, but in truth the game-play should be much more intuitive than it is.

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