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Help with building my first legendary

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Hi, so i'm thinking of starting the journey to building my first legendary (the predator) but i have a few questions i hope you can help me with.


1°- is the precursor collection worth it or is it better to buy of the TP? Or should i farm rifles and put them on the forge?


2°- i'm not a good pvp'er so is it easy to get the gift of battle or does it take skill? If its just by farming pvp how long does it take?


3°- what is the best currency to buy the obsidian shards right now? (I have all expansions and all LW chapters)


Tyvm in advance and sorry for my newbness



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you can buy shards for karmas as the easiest.

The mystic forge is not called the mystic toilet for nothing. You could get lucky in a few shuffles, or you might never get anything.

After having crafted Dusk, then Twilight

expect roughly 8 hours of following a wvw zerg. But they are doubling wvw xp next week cuz of the warclaw mount.

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I cannot speak directly to the Predator, but my experience with crafting the precursor for the Bifrost is that, unless you are just really into the collection process (which some are), I would prefer to get it off the TP. It's been a while for me, but, as I recall, I didn't save much in terms of gold by crafting the precursor. The collection wasn't particularly challenging or exciting. But, neither was it that unpleasant


Gift of Battle is not as hard as you might think. I did mine in WvW (mostly Edge of the Mists). I made a point of going during peak play time. Most days, I was able to join a good commander who made it painless. Takes a few days, but overall, not too bad at all. Just make sure you select the Gift of Battle reward track.


For obsidian shards, lots of different options. I use karma and purchase at Temple of Balthazar. It's not the most efficient way, I know, but it's really painless since most of what I do earns karma.


This is just my experience. I'm sure others can give you good advice as well. Good luck.

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1. https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-29175 according to this better to buy it

2. Start doing WvW dailies, there are several guids on youtube.

3. Never bought obsi shards as I farmed SW for my legendaries, still have 2.5k sitting in bank, people say that [berry farm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fresh_Winterberry "berry farm") for UM is the a good way to get obsi.


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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> Hi, so i'm thinking of starting the journey to building my first legendary (the predator) but i have a few questions i hope you can help me with.


> 1°- is the precursor collection worth it or is it better to buy of the TP? Or should i farm rifles and put them on the forge?


> 2°- i'm not a good pvp'er so is it easy to get the gift of battle or does it take skill? If its just by farming pvp how long does it take?


> 3°- what is the best currency to buy the obsidian shards right now? (I have all expansions and all LW chapters)


> Tyvm in advance and sorry for my newbness




1. Having done all the pre-cursor achieves, buy from TP for sure


2. Just find a commander and join the zerg, get Guild Enhancement: World Reward Tracks (+10%), and socket necklace with WvW Reward Track Enrichment (+5%).

Once you get to T6 participation, use Experience Booster (+50%) if you have it, and keep T6 participation up; if there is no commander running zerg group, keep participation up by escort dolyaks, cap camps and flags

Overall takes about 6-7 hours if you are ramping up from T1 participation


3. Don't use LW currencies to get ob shards, save those currencies to buy bags, use karma to buy Ob shard from Cathedral of Glorious Victory instead

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> Hi, so i'm thinking of starting the journey to building my first legendary (the predator) but i have a few questions i hope you can help me with.


> 1°- is the precursor collection worth it or is it better to buy of the TP? Or should i farm rifles and put them on the forge?



The precursor collections are work. If you are willing to put in the work, do it. If not, don't. Many people enjoy the simplicity of simply buying the precursor off the TP.


> 2°- i'm not a good pvp'er so is it easy to get the gift of battle or does it take skill? If its just by farming pvp how long does it take?



The gift of battle takes time. It's about 6-8 hours of WvW following the zerg per gift of battle. Or if you go by dailies and the potions granted, around 2-3 months since a total of 80 potions are required for 1 reward track completion.


> 3°- what is the best currency to buy the obsidian shards right now? (I have all expansions and all LW chapters)



Depends mostly of:

- what can you spare?

- what are you willing to farm?


Many people go for Obsidian Shards from Karma since people don't find use for Karma except for skins or minis.


The best advice was already given: check gw2efficiency for the total cost for the legendary and make appropriate preparations and notes. Give yourself an honest and relaxed time frame and keep materials in a sellable state for as long as possible as to be able to quit the process and recuperate some of your investment.

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> 1°- is the precursor collection worth it or is it better to buy of the TP? Or should i farm rifles and put them on the forge?


It's really up to how you like to play, whether to do the collection or just farm the gold. I think farming rifles for the forge is a really unlikely way to get your precursor.


> 2°- i'm not a good pvp'er so is it easy to get the gift of battle or does it take skill? If its just by farming pvp how long does it take?


WvW is somewhere between PvP and PvE. There are things you can do PvE style without fighting other characters, such as running around solo capturing small outposts and allying NPC areas when they are available. Or you can run along with a big zerg, which gives you points faster, but can be very dull at times.


> 3°- what is the best currency to buy the obsidian shards right now? (I have all expansions and all LW chapters)

Do you have the ley energy convertor from defeating the Dragon's Stand meta under the time limit? It offers obsidian shards for HoT currencies almost every day. If you don't have it, it is probably worth the effort to try and get it.

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Not sure how long you've been playing but one thing I wished people had told me was how much "stuff" I was going to need. If you don't really like grinding I would suggest just playing your favored game mode of choice and save up your gold to buy precursor. There are still a lot of mats required at the legendary stage as well so it would be worthwhile to look into best methods of acquiring stuff like the blood and whatnot (I've not made the rifle yet so I dunno specifics).


If you have all the LW and Expacs it would also be worth looking into which map meta is most popular and running that. After my first legendary I opted to go the route of figuring total cost to just outright buy what I needed when I was ready to forge and then played the game as I normally would until I hit the gold amount I needed.


If you enjoy progressing a little bit at a time, collecting the mats yourself and doing the precursor collection might be more meaningful for you.


I wouldn't pin your hopes on getting a pre from the mystic toilet, though if you're not desperately collecting ecto or other byproducts you can easily drop four yellows in at a time and if RNGesus looks kindly upon you, you might get a precursor that you can sell and buy the one you need.


Congrats in advance, the first legendary is super exciting and exhausting at the same time.

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I don't mind the farm, my plan was to collect most things my self, at least for my 1º legendary, that was why i was asking if the collection is worth it, like on top of getting every item in the collection do you also need to drop gold in it? if so it may be more beneficial to just farm the gold and buy the hunter directly.


Tyvm for all the awnsers, since i never played WvW i hope i can get into a zerg

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> I don't mind the farm, my plan was to collect most things my self, at least for my 1º legendary, that was why i was asking if the collection is worth it, like on top of getting every item in the collection do you also need to drop gold in it? if so it may be more beneficial to just farm the gold and buy the hunter directly.


> Tyvm for all the awnsers, since i never played WvW i hope i can get into a zerg


Collections for legendary carry a cost, mostly in the second collection. It's mostly crafting *large* amounts of weapon components. Some of the components require ascended materials, so either timegated or costs a bit.

There's also a not insignificant amount of Geodes and Bandit Crests required, along with other items.

All of this adds up to more than the TP price for the precursor.

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> 1°- is the precursor collection worth it or is it better to buy of the TP? Or should i farm rifles and put them on the forge?


Depends on the price and your interest in fun. Pricewise, the precursor is currently cheaper than doing the collections. Funwise, you are missing out on a lot of it if you are not doing the collections (of course, it totally depends on _your_ idea of "fun" ;) ... I love the scavenger hunts).


> 2°- i'm not a good pvp'er so is it easy to get the gift of battle or does it take skill? If its just by farming pvp how long does it take?


You need to find a TS server (or Discord?) for your world first. That is my recommendation. That way, you will easily find friendly people who will take you into their squad and give you advice if needed.


> 3°- what is the best currency to buy the obsidian shards right now? (I have all expansions and all LW chapters)


You can get some via WvW reward tracks, via HoT currencies and via LW magic currency (both currencies).


> Tyvm in advance and sorry for my newbness


There is no reason, _ever_, to apoligize for being new to stuff.

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