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You cant have this because stacking you cant have that because stacking...


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> @leasm.1279 said:

> Eventually necros will learn to use shroud to its full potential. Then you'll see whey we can't be buffed.


the point is that Necros will forever be shit in all game modes if they are alone and not babysited by supports or stacked with more necros....


Even in Spvp scourge ALONE is not a big issue the momment you stack it with more scourge is when the issue comes... and we will be nerfed because of this esentialy making us Okay if stacked and worthless alone... and this goes on all game modes bassicaly...


everyone wants the scourge shield buffed but never gonna happen even tough its prety crap you know why ? because if you stack scourges and their shield would make it OP... so will stay forever a load of crap as a self defense if not stacked by other scourges...


and this prety much goes on almost all existing Necro builds... you either need to stack with other necros or babysited by supports like eles for example...


because devs balance arround that so necros will forever be a literal free kill if alone and easily outplayed and bursted down.....


we cant get anything good because stacking.....


im just sitting here and waiting for Scourge dmg nerfs that send us back to the stone age where our aoe condition dmg will only be dangerous when stacked with 2-3 another scourge.... meanwhile Alone people will be able to literaly totaly ignore shades....


just wait thats what gonna happen............

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> @leasm.1279 said:

> Eventually necros will learn to use shroud to its full potential. Then you'll see whey we can't be buffed.


When top-tier players even say Necro is shit, it doesn't mean THEY don't know how to utilize Shroud to 'its full potential', it means it's shit. Utilizing Shroud to 'its full potential' literally means you pop it, spam all of your abilities (if Reaper) and pop out while waiting for CDs or camp Shroud spamming whatever's off CD. In terms of Shades, there is hardly any skill required. Go with the big one for PvP, spam all 3 for PvE/WvW and waste all of your lf the second you use two of your Profession skills. So no, there is no 'to its full potential', it's absolute garbage as a class and will remain as such until key issues are addressed that have been voiced and pointed out for years now. But apparently, we're to ONLY do Condi shit, rather than play diversely. There is no 'potential' you can speak of, we're severely limited and niche and will forever be outclassed by Warriors and even Thieves. Not like we're the light-armored class that's supposed to make up for our pathetic defense by having insane offense or anything.............nope ANET will just delegate all roles to the same classes and screw the others.

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> @Okami.7049 said:

> > @leasm.1279 said:

> > Eventually necros will learn to use shroud to its full potential. Then you'll see whey we can't be buffed.


> When top-tier players even say Necro is kitten, it doesn't mean THEY don't know how to utilize Shroud to 'its full potential', it means it's kitten. Utilizing Shroud to 'its full potential' literally means you pop it, spam all of your abilities (if Reaper) and pop out while waiting for CDs or camp Shroud spamming whatever's off CD. In terms of Shades, there is hardly any skill required. Go with the big one for PvP, spam all 3 for PvE/WvW and waste all of your lf the second you use two of your Profession skills. So no, there is no 'to its full potential', it's absolute garbage as a class and will remain as such until key issues are addressed that have been voiced and pointed out for years now. But apparently, we're to ONLY do Condi kitten, rather than play diversely. There is no 'potential' you can speak of, we're severely limited and niche and will forever be outclassed by Warriors and even Thieves. Not like we're the light-armored class that's supposed to make up for our pathetic defense by having insane offense or anything.............nope ANET will just delegate all roles to the same classes and screw the others.


i cry every time when Eles get 20+ more abilities then other classes with every expansion new spec....

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Maybe if they raised the skill floor on necromancer it wouldn't end up with necromancer stacking.


Oh wait they did that with barrier decay...

And now all the reapers who got carried by facetanking-mark-spamming-trailblazer-deathly-chill-bot have to actually time barrier use lol...

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Maybe if they raised the skill floor on necromancer it wouldn't end up with necromancer stacking.


> Oh wait they did that with barrier decay...

> And now all the reapers who got carried by facetanking-mark-spamming-trailblazer-deathly-chill-bot have to actually time barrier use lol...


Sucks when skill is involved in an MMO :-p

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only problem i find with stacking is when i trait big shade and stand in a raid group stacked together my barrier still only hits 5 targets. if this gets fixed then i can be in either group otherwise i have to request to be in a seperate group so that i can hit more people

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > Maybe if they raised the skill floor on necromancer it wouldn't end up with necromancer stacking.

> >

> > Oh wait they did that with barrier decay...

> > And now all the reapers who got carried by facetanking-mark-spamming-trailblazer-deathly-chill-bot have to actually time barrier use lol...


> Sucks when skill is involved in an MMO :-p


What skill? Necro has a low skill ceiling and floor. Hence why it's pretty much the one class all noobs are referred to when learning the game. There is no skill required with spamming Condis on a target, there is no skill in playing ranged since 'action combat' doesn't exist in this game (technically). So again, what skill? PvP? Joke. WvW? We're babysat. If you want to play an MMO that requires skill, go for BnS or Tera or Black Desert. Any game with action combat. Tab-target with skill spamming is not skill.

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Hey, there used to be this neat mechanic, I think a condition called Burning (or something) had it, where it stacked in **duration**, not damage.


Weird how that one worked. Sounds as if capping the stack-effect would totally fix issues, and they even used that back in the olden days. You might even say other MMOs fixed this in the past, including a rather big one no one dares to mention.


(seriously ANet devs, just copy other people's solutions, much as it might hurt someone's ego or professional pride to admit their own work is inferior, the game would be better off for it)


> @Okami.7049 said:

If you want to play an MMO that requires skill, go for BnS or Tera or Black Desert. Any game with action combat. Tab-target with skill spamming is not skill.


Action combat != skill. Unless you place skill merely in mechanical aptitude, and I think strategy games as a whole (not just video games) would like a word with you. Chess might have, too. Unless chess requires no skill, in which case I don't know where to start...


Fact is, slow-paced MMOs like WoW are **far** more skill-based than GW2 is at present, entirely because while GW2's combat could be nice for promoting player-skill and not just character-stats as the deciding factor of who wins a fight, the class design is **so** broken (nevermind the balance of the classes) that nothing of this is ever realized.


The game is still quite enjoyable regardless, especially in open world PvE, which to be fair is also what it always focused on in its promotions and development. But the combat is just "hammer all buttons not on cooldown, let the game fill with AA". Yes for optimal damage you need to do slightly better, but the main part of the game (said open world PvE) is still designed entirely around that "gameplay" loop. Compare old MMOs like EverQuest before Scars of Velious, when mana regen was **so** slow that using the wrong skills during combat (not that anyone except Necro and Druid would solo much back then) shut you down for 5-10 minutes as you sat in a corner, regenerated your mana and re-considered how you do combat. As in, player-skill mattered. **A lot**.

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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> Hey, there used to be this neat mechanic, I think a condition called Burning (or something) had it, where it stacked in **duration**, not damage.


> Weird how that one worked. Sounds as if capping the stack-effect would totally fix issues, and they even used that back in the olden days. You might even say other MMOs fixed this in the past, including a rather big one no one dares to mention.


> (seriously ANet devs, just copy other people's solutions, much as it might hurt someone's ego or professional pride to admit their own work is inferior, the game would be better off for it)


> > @Okami.7049 said:

> If you want to play an MMO that requires skill, go for BnS or Tera or Black Desert. Any game with action combat. Tab-target with skill spamming is not skill.


> Action combat != skill. Unless you place skill merely in mechanical aptitude, and I think strategy games as a whole (not just video games) would like a word with you. Chess might have, too. Unless chess requires no skill, in which case I don't know where to start...


> Fact is, slow-paced MMOs like WoW are **far** more skill-based than GW2 is at present, entirely because while GW2's combat could be nice for promoting player-skill and not just character-stats as the deciding factor of who wins a fight, the class design is **so** broken (nevermind the balance of the classes) that nothing of this is ever realized.


> The game is still quite enjoyable regardless, especially in open world PvE, which to be fair is also what it always focused on in its promotions and development. But the combat is just "hammer all buttons not on cooldown, let the game fill with AA". Yes for optimal damage you need to do slightly better, but the main part of the game (said open world PvE) is still designed entirely around that "gameplay" loop. Compare old MMOs like EverQuest before Scars of Velious, when mana regen was **so** slow that using the wrong skills during combat (not that anyone except Necro and Druid would solo much back then) shut you down for 5-10 minutes as you sat in a corner, regenerated your mana and re-considered how you do combat. As in, player-skill mattered. **A lot**.


Actually Chess doesn't require skill, it requires thinking ahead of your opponent and knowing complex math but there is a pattern to win every time should you 'force' your opponent into following it. It's not like a lot of other games nowadays that require twitch reflexes or instant decisions making, you literally just have to follow a set of patterns and you're golden. Same goes for Checkers. Mechanical aptitude is far more important than mental. It's not hard to learn how to build or follow meta builds and copy whatever the meta's current rotation is, skill is where timing comes into play. Tab-target games, really you just stand there, dodge every now and then, and repeat the same button mashing. No aiming, no reading enemy movements, just click and spam.


So, slower combat than GW2 takes more skill? Makes a lot of sense. More counter windows, able to read telegraphs a lot better, yeah slowing down the combat really ramps up the skill requirements. I guess if we slowed down the combat in GW2 people would learn to be more skillful.


And I promise you, those games had a lot of complaints when it came to that resource. Takin 5-10 minutes to regen any resource doesn't equate to requiring skill, it equates to the team being idiots and not knowing how to create a reliable resource. If only 2 classes are effected by it, then they either hate those two classes or don't care about them. That alone is enough to kill both games for me and to add them to my 'blacklist', since I always play Necros and clearly it both isn't fun and a huge waste of time in those games.


Action-combat and MOBAS are, sadly, the definition of 'skilled' combat play according to today's standards. AC requires you to aim, track your target and, in the case of Tera, actually land your own hits otherwise you're screwed. If you're off by a hair you miss. Skills have windup, timing is important (especially in BnS). Black Desert I only gave a little bit of a go until I got fed up with the gender-locked classes, but even that required more active participation and mental processes than GW2 does right now. Every serious player runs the same build as everyone else in their class and follows the same exact rotation. MOBAS may have clicking all over the place, but they're designed for skillful play (jukes, timing ganks, actual strategy) whereas tab-target MMOs are usually designed for fun rather than competition.

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