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Suggestion: let people buy 2nd+ gen legendaries off the trading post, please.


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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > I am for it.

> >

> > All I keep reading when this topic comes up is the whole I had to so you have to argument. Its about the journey to get the elite prestige item that is hard to get. I could care less if it happens or not but if they want the cash they will do it regardless to what anyone says. In light of recent events we may not be to far removed from this actually happening.

> >

> > If they don't want to hurt the feelings of the elite players then just offer me something in the gem store that allows me to give the ability to stat change to my ascended items without having to mystic forge it. I would be fine with that. You can keep your precious shinnies just give me the functionality.

> >

> > I know my opinion is not one of the typical forum goers but trust me there are a bunch of people out there that would love to see something like this implemented.

> >


> Elite players? Seriously?

> I'm no elite I'm just another GW2 player just like you.

> The fact is that I'm more motivated to obtain legendaries does not gives me superiority over others.

> I'm a noob and proud to be one as well.


> As for the Ascended

> Part of the reward of legendaries is the ability to freely swap stats in your gear and it wouldn't be fair for all our hard work to be only for cosmetics .

> Its been like that for years and shouldn't change, Ascended gear is cheap to make so if you're running with multiple builds craft more of that sexy pink marked gear and stop trying to change how the whole system works.


I have plenty of pretty pink gear that you speak of. So much so I could go on an episode of hoarders. I simply would like the ability to theory craft new builds without the hassle.


Just to be clear I never said Elite Players I said Elite Items. Perhaps a freudian slip? If stat changing was implemented before legendries were released people would have no problem but since they released it the way they did people will forever have a problem with it. Reminds me of the uproar of the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic had when it came out. Now we have two more versions of practically the same thing. People never like change but they get used to it and can even grow to like it.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > I am for it.

> > >

> > > All I keep reading when this topic comes up is the whole I had to so you have to argument. Its about the journey to get the elite prestige item that is hard to get. I could care less if it happens or not but if they want the cash they will do it regardless to what anyone says. In light of recent events we may not be to far removed from this actually happening.

> > >

> > > If they don't want to hurt the feelings of the elite players then just offer me something in the gem store that allows me to give the ability to stat change to my ascended items without having to mystic forge it. I would be fine with that. You can keep your precious shinnies just give me the functionality.

> > >

> > > I know my opinion is not one of the typical forum goers but trust me there are a bunch of people out there that would love to see something like this implemented.

> > >

> >

> > Elite players? Seriously?

> > I'm no elite I'm just another GW2 player just like you.

> > The fact is that I'm more motivated to obtain legendaries does not gives me superiority over others.

> > I'm a noob and proud to be one as well.

> >

> > As for the Ascended

> > Part of the reward of legendaries is the ability to freely swap stats in your gear and it wouldn't be fair for all our hard work to be only for cosmetics .

> > Its been like that for years and shouldn't change, Ascended gear is cheap to make so if you're running with multiple builds craft more of that sexy pink marked gear and stop trying to change how the whole system works.


> I have plenty of pretty pink gear that you speak of. So much so I could go on an episode of hoarders. I simply would like the ability to theory craft new builds without the hassle.


> Just to be clear I never said Elite Players I said Elite Items. Perhaps a freudian slip? If stat changing was implemented before legendries were released people would have no problem but since they released it the way they did people will forever have a problem with it. Reminds me of the uproar of the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic had when it came out. Now we have two more versions of practically the same thing. People never like change but they get used to it and can even grow to like it.


I'll quote:

> If they don't want to hurt the feelings of the elite players


Anyways if you don't want to horde ascended gear its your problem

I horde it because even I'm not rich enough to make tons of legendary eqiupment and tbh its not that bad

Make bank characters, lots of people do that and you can also do that to park chars for birthday boosters.

And I have the copper salvage kit as well but I don't really care about the rest of the kits I'm using it and I'm ok with it so I have no comment on that subject.


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this Op thread is about failing to comprehend the importance of long term goals in mmorpg, and how prestigious long term goals/items like legendary items would be devalued in a heartbeat for people that did put the effort into the long term goal by simply allowing others to take a massive short cut just because they think they are entitled to anything they want asap. The OP also doesn't seem to understand that the items are interesting to him because they are prestigious. A thing you can simply buy with a click is not prestigious simply put.

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With Legendary Armour being a more recent addition (Considering Guild Wars 2's history up to this point in time)

I can see Legendary Armor as being something very unique, included into the game with only a small handful of other Legendary Armour to make.

Given that we have Legendary Weapons from before HoT up on the Trading Post, I don't see why this second generation of Legendary Weapons should be any different.


My only thought process in this regard is balance, a balance in item availability and community balance, as a whole, throughout the game's lifespan. I still don't have a Legendary Weapon and I don't plan on buying one anytime soon. One thing that I'm noticing in this discussion is an overbearing pride which is heavily affecting any and all manner of looking at things from a birds eye view. "I'm set in my ways and I don't care.", I've seen this in other MMORPGs and I've seen the effect it has on communities. This is yet one more aspect to my reasoning of being for having all Legendary Weapons being made available. Honestly, unique, end-game-type items should be few and far between. That time has long passed for "Legendary Weapons". There's nothing legendary about something that you can see in so many people's possession, regardless of whether they made or bought it.


I'll regress a bit and say that, regardless of what happens to the newer Legendary Weapons, I'll still be here enjoying the game : )

I wonder what my first Legendary Weapon is going to be?

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