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ArenaNet ongoing situation

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In the face of the ongoing situation that the developer company of one of the best games ever made (personal opinion) and arguably a big part of the lives of the people in the forums and of every person that plays GW2 I believe the community should stand up! I know that many of you have heard about the prominent names (Gaile, Matt Medina and Josh Foreman) and all the other people working equally as hard behind the scenes to deliver content and stories that have made our time playing the game absolutely worth it. Personally I believe that power lies in numbers and if anything the GW2 community is one of the strongest and more supportive in the MMORPG industry. Many of you maybe believe that we are facing a big company that won't change its decision despite our protests but I disagree. As a community we should support and demand our voices be heard. For we have gone through good and difficult times with those people whose jobs are at stake now. We have argued with them, we have had laughs with them and certainly we have invested a part of our lives in what they strive to make. I am not very knowledgeable in the process needed to make a petition but I think that we should actually do something actively about that. Stand to the side of the people that have given something to us, helping us create relationships and unique moments in our lives. We have power. Even skritt know power lies in numbers.

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Having played the game for over 4 years now I have grown to appreciate the people that have created it. I know that I have not posted something in the forums before but given the opportunity I would like to say a big thank you to all the developers that may or may not see it! Thank you for having given life to a game that has been part of my life and has helped me shape unique relationships. Thank you!

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I really wish we as a community could band together to make some kind of miracle happen, honestly. But the people at NCsoft's minds are made up, and to them, a petition is just a piece of paper they'd scrunch up and toss in the bin. They've made it pretty clear what we mean to them. This decision isn't about fairness, it's about money.


But if something changes, you know I'd be right there beside you.

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Noble but such a stance will have no effect. What’s done is done and the players are generally disregarded in their opinions in such cases. No amount of rallying helped city of heroes or wild star.


I understand your sentiment and by all means do as you think best, but you are likely to find the mothership turn a deaf ear

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ANet almost never listens to the community. With Gaile leaving, there will be even less contact between the company and the community.


So, while I applaud the sentiment of your post, the reality will be the same as (almost) always: no comment.


They need money. They need us all to buy gems. But, without a commitment from the company, any effort to generate funds for them via gems won't work.

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You standing point is correct. No one person can't change the outcome by themselves. We are talking about a multimillion company, I am not delusional. But don't underestimate what thousands of people can do. A company that cares about money does not want to kick its customers in the balls. Despite the mistakes that have been made over the period of time GW and GW2 have been around players stayed and provided constructive criticism, for the most part. But there has been no previous change of that scale since the beginning of the franchise. Maybe what we need is a response of similar scale. Vain as it might sound history has showed that people that actually fought supporting what they believe is right were vindicated. The question I would like to pose is: Are we willing to do what is needed for our voices to be heard? Whether that is a petition signed by at least the majority of the community or a mass boycott at NC Soft's income from our part. Before you tell me I know GW is not the main profit maker of the company. But still I am not sure they want to have the whole situation blow up in their faces.


Thank you all for your responses and constructive criticism on my suggestion :)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Noble but such a stance will have no effect. What’s done is done and the players are generally disregarded in their opinions in such cases. No amount of rallying helped city of heroes or wild star.


> I understand your sentiment and by all means do as you think best, but you are likely to find the mothership turn a deaf ear


Completely agree. Same thing happened to Dark Age of Camelot, and I played that for 10 years, well after the game's prime. This is all about the bottom line, and no amount of boycotting and/or protest will make a damned bit of difference.

The game will continue on, just as DaoC has. But after the announcement of the layoffs, you'll see the game population significantly decrease, the new content become less, and things become quieter in the game.


Which, who knows, might not necessarily be a bad thing. The players that are left will be the complete loyalists that will be here until the game closes its doors. Count me as one.


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