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$$ Conundrum

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NCSoft wanted to reassure us that GW and GW2 would go on, then lay off all those people (and other senior people simply left). Really, anyone who spends any real world money on this game right now might be throwing good money away. However, not spending any money is a sure way to ensure that the game does indeed fail.


Definitely a conundrum. And I am one fractal away from crafting Dusk (then Twilight). Just needed Solid Ocean and done. Ah well. Will wait before I put in the effort.

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The game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. LS4.6 and LS5.1 and LS5.2 will appear more|less on schedule. That's plenty of time to finish Twilight. It also seems possible that the game can manage with "only" 275 people, since, you know, ANet used to run with a lot fewer than it had last month.



> Let me be clear. The devs still at Arenanet working on Guild Wars 2, are the same devs who have poured their hearts & souls into the game for years. There may be fewer tomorrow than there were today, but those devs will need our love & appreciation more than ever.


The news is terrible. And I feel awful for those who are being forced to "seek other opportunities." But it's far too soon to have any clue about what the future holds other than LS4.6|5.1|5.2.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. LS4.6 and LS5.1 and LS5.2 will appear more|less on schedule. That's plenty of time to finish Twilight. It also seems possible that the game can manage with "only" 275 people, since, you know, ANet used to run with a lot fewer than it had last month.


> >

> > Let me be clear. The devs still at Arenanet working on Guild Wars 2, are the same devs who have poured their hearts & souls into the game for years. There may be fewer tomorrow than there were today, but those devs will need our love & appreciation more than ever.


> The news is terrible. And I feel awful for those who are being forced to "seek other opportunities." But it's far too soon to have any clue about what the future holds other than LS4.6|5.1|5.2.


Right - but public perception. People are going to be nervous and less apt to paying for gems. Which in turn will impact the game. It's a vicious circle.


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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> People are going to be nervous and less apt to paying for gems. Which in turn will impact the game. It's a vicious circle.

I already permanently ceased buying gems with RL money the moment I learned about AN's policy to irrevocably terminate accounts at the first sight of payment issues or blacklisted gem codes (due to payment issues).

It seems just not worth risking your characters and all those virtual possessions over a possible _correctable_ glitch in international telepayment. And yes, that does still occur, though it became rare. Just had it last year.

I guess this is not what AN had in mind with this glorious policy.


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The game earned 70 million last year. For nearly 400 people that isn't enough. It's plain and simple. NCSOFT wants the studio to be on a positive income footing and they didn't see it sooooo ... layoffs. As for who stayed, combination of which departments that were merging with NCWEST, if they were working on the other projects, now canceled, if the senior people wanted to stay or not, etc. to get costs in line with what the mothership in South Korea wanted them to hit.

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After careful consideration i decided to still engage in the cash shop. We have a new season which is probably near completion as far as story and the fundemental core is. Just need to slap that polish and paint on it then test for a few weeks. Its a 1/4 of the workforce that was lost, but we now have the rest perhaps solely focusing on gw2. Which is fucling awesome.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> NCSoft wanted to reassure us that GW and GW2 would go on, then lay off all those people (and other senior people simply left). Really, anyone who spends any real world money on this game right now might be throwing good money away. However, not spending any money is a sure way to ensure that the game does indeed fail.


> Definitely a conundrum. And I am one fractal away from crafting Dusk (then Twilight). Just needed Solid Ocean and done. Ah well. Will wait before I put in the effort.


Why wait? If you stop to think about it, up until last week we had no indication that the game would be up and running next week. Last week we were informed that they were restructuring to ensure that the game has a future. If anything you are more informed that there is a future now than you were two weeks ago. If you haven't faced a game shutdown before it's usually pretty sudden and there are little warnings. The fact that there was a limited communication that this was occurring, be it a leak or not, is a sign that tomorrow is not the end. But honestly you had no notice before that it wasn't going to be over tomorrow and you were happily gaming and creating your legendary so why would you not continue to do so. As a friend of mine likes to say, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. So if you are still enjoying the game, play as you would and do as you were, for all you know you and a coconut might have a quick and final encounter by the end of the day but you're not avoiding coconuts at the moment.



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