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Half Deadeye damage


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Yeah you guys should not be dying to deadeyes as long as you make the extra effect to detect them over all other classes, get off your discords, turn up your sounds, turn your brightness up, keep your eyes going side to side every second you're in wvw, every moving shadow you see is them, bomb on them right away or run away, now you know and knowing is half the battle!


I mean, just doing ONE of those things would be a start.... Running round clueless with your eyes on the next door gets rightfully punished. As far as hitting you for 17k.. showing one hit and not showing whatever led up to him probably having full malice to hit trailblazer that high sure shows us comprehensively the scenario, nerf thief!

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XstlkqG.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > > While wearing trailblazers.

> > > > Deadeyes are awesome.

> > >

> > > If you hide behind a wall the damage would be zero.

> >

> > Sorry I don't play wvw to hide behind walls, but yes half the time I have to run to a structure to avoid them and wait for the mark to get removed when big battles are happening. Boy what great gameplay that is.

> >

> > Awesome how the first thing you all complain about is me running trailblazer, but not the fact that a thief hits for 17k on trailblazer, gee wonder how much they would have hit for anything less than 3k armor. But hey let's all just hide behind walls and call it a day.

> >

> > Also apparently it's ok for thieves/mesmers to stealth one shot people but not for me to run something to counter them? Well sorry not sorry, but cheese is not going to be a one way street with me, I've put up with this power creep baloney for 3 years, long as the cheese stealth one shotting specs are around I'm going to run cheese back on them or not play at all, and I'm sure I'm not the only customer that has felt this way.


> Could try dodging attacks rather than dodging to spam condi. I know that's a concept lost on condi mirages.


..........i think this is a necro.......

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Yeah you guys should not be dying to deadeyes as long as you make the extra effect to detect them over all other classes, get off your discords, turn up your sounds, turn your brightness up, keep your eyes going side to side every second you're in wvw, every moving shadow you see is them, bomb on them right away or run away, now you know and knowing is half the battle!


> I mean, just doing ONE of those things would be a start.... Running round clueless with your eyes on the next door gets rightfully punished. As far as hitting you for 17k.. showing one hit and not showing whatever led up to him probably having full malice to hit trailblazer that high sure shows us comprehensively the scenario, nerf thief!


Are you stating this while hiding behind your 3-4 other hunt tailing tw or ons on your ranger with 2 signet of stones and sic'em, or on the stealthing high mobility broken backstabbing thief?


As far as me running around like a clueless zergling, I mostly roam around these days, I harass bigger groups all the time, but can't dodge everything. The 17k didn't kill me, but was funny to see it wearing that much armor.


I do enjoy posting the next big numbers I got hit with whenever these threads come up, whether it's sitting in marauders or trailblazer gear, can see all the thieves lining up to place blame on every single other thing that needs to be done to avoid a thief and it's damage. You shoulda dodge, you shoulda run, you shoulda hide on the wall, you should bombed everywhere with your aoe, you shoulda brought a frand, you shoulda placed stealth traps, you shoulda heard the sound, you shoulda saw the red line, you shoulda predicted where they were going in stealth. All that extra attention needed for one class.


P.S Nerf Thief.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

>All that extra attention needed for one class.


> P.S Nerf Thief.


At the very least 7 of 9 classes in this game are capable of dealing the same amount of damage.

3 of them from stealth.


Tell me why we should specifically nerf Thief?

Tell me why you actually believed that you would had survived that same situation if instead of a DeadEye you were fighting a Herald/SoulBeast/Guardian/Weaver?


The problem here, and the reason we are tired of reading this kind of post, is that people doesn't seem to recognize that you, yourself, placed yourself badly in the battle field, got killed by a correctly positioned DPS class and its now complaining that it's broken, when every factual point proves that it was, mostly likely, your fault.


Ever since the whole Scourge+Firebrand meta started both classes are main targets of every roamer walking in WvW. Of course a DPS class like Deadeye will attack out of nowhere while you are walking alone. Who in their right mind would let that chance to pass?


Necros are really quick to complain about DE's in the field, yet they completely forget the massive impact that Scourge bombs have in zerg fights.

Perhaps I should also run the "Class Prejudice" banner and start creating 9999 topics to nerf Necromancer damage because I got **unfairly** killed in the middle of a Zerg from 3 Scourges that bombed the zerg at random while I was positioned there with a class without cleanses, active defenses and no cooldowns?

* *Raises Nerf Scourge Flags* *


PS: And of course, if you are gonna Nerf Scrouges, make sure to nerf Core traits so just every Necromancer takes the nerf. Just like happens with **thief on every patch**.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > Yeah you guys should not be dying to deadeyes as long as you make the extra effect to detect them over all other classes, get off your discords, turn up your sounds, turn your brightness up, keep your eyes going side to side every second you're in wvw, every moving shadow you see is them, bomb on them right away or run away, now you know and knowing is half the battle!

> >

> > I mean, just doing ONE of those things would be a start.... Running round clueless with your eyes on the next door gets rightfully punished. As far as hitting you for 17k.. showing one hit and not showing whatever led up to him probably having full malice to hit trailblazer that high sure shows us comprehensively the scenario, nerf thief!


> Are you stating this while hiding behind your 3-4 other hunt tailing tw or ons on your ranger with 2 signet of stones and sic'em, or on the stealthing high mobility broken backstabbing thief?


> As far as me running around like a clueless zergling, I mostly roam around these days, I harass bigger groups all the time, but can't dodge everything. The 17k didn't kill me, but was funny to see it wearing that much armor.


> I do enjoy posting the next big numbers I got hit with whenever these threads come up, whether it's sitting in marauders or trailblazer gear, can see all the thieves lining up to place blame on every single other thing that needs to be done to avoid a thief and it's damage. You shoulda dodge, you shoulda run, you shoulda hide on the wall, you should bombed everywhere with your aoe, you shoulda brought a frand, you shoulda placed stealth traps, you shoulda heard the sound, you shoulda saw the red line, you shoulda predicted where they were going in stealth. All that extra attention needed for one class.


> P.S Nerf Thief.


I can count the number of hours i've played thief in wvw the last couple years on two hands and sorry for having friends? Sorry my ranger seems to have hurt your feelings, maybe we should nerf them. I've been posting stupid one hits on that in discord for a while but no, nerf thief! And as you point out, ranger can do it with two invulns.


Btw the comment re people being potatoes and just staring at the next ktrain objective wasn't meant for you in particular so you really don't need to be defensive.

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