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Question re: Spellbreaker and Full Counter


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So I was in an unranked PvP match not long ago, and noticed that an enemy Spellbreaker had that glittering bubble indicating Full Counter up 100% of the time. Even when fighting him, I never saw it go down. Is this some kind of visual glitch, a hack that let him keep it up all the time, or is there some way to refresh it really often so you never even notice it dropping that I don't know about?

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Really odd some of you have never seen it (depending on how often you pvp/wvw.). I see it quite often. Waypointing in wvw fixes it, but that's about it. Its rather annoying but in 1 hour of dueling a spellbreaker I had it happen twice. I'm not sure if them going to core and back would fix it, but may be worth a try if you're just dueling someone for fun. In pvp its especially annoying though since you cant do anything about it but just hope you dont hit real fc.

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