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In what cycle does the change content in the Black Lion Chest

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tl;dr what @"Omnicron.2467" said. I also predict it will change with the next patch (probably Tuesday)


I've been tracking for a while. It's neither fixed nor random; instead, it roughly follows festivals, living world updates, and other 'seasonal' changes. In the last 2+ years, I've followed ~30 (major) game updates resulting in two dozen types of chests. On average, it's about 5 weeks between changes, but it's been over 7 weeks five times. The median is 4 weeks (half are longer, half are shorter). And it's been ~50 days since the last change, so we're due.


PS bonus, that is probably when we'll have a new BL weapon skin set, assuming the layoffs didn't interrupt any last minute adjustments for that.

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The current rotation has returned the wvw/pvp track progress item as the default, but upon using it it seems to me that it's giving way less progress than last time. Don't know if anyone can confirm this. I loved it last time, but if it's a miniscule bump it's not worth it.

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