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Berserker changes i'd like to see


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so i've been thinking around on what changes could make berserker's life better.


Trait Changes:

■ Smash Brawler - Trait renamed to Ferocious Brawler , it now also increases critical damage dealt by x%, doubled while in Berseker Mode

■ Last Blaze - Increase the burn radious from 300 to 600, also reduces Rage skills CD by x%

■ Savage instinct - Its current effects are added to Eternal Champion; Trait renamed to Unstoppable Juggernaut, now reduces incoming damage by x% when affected by Stability, doubled while in Berserker mode, increase Stability duration by x%

■ Eternal Champion - increase the might stack gain from 3 to 5 but reduce the duration from 8 seconds to 5, add Savage Instinct's current effects to it as mentioned before


Primal Burst and Berserker mode changes:

■ make it so Primal Burst count as a level 3 burst since you need 3 adrenaline bars to go into Berserker mode or make it so going into Berserker mode only requires/spend one adrenaline bar (like going into Berserker Mode with 3 adrenaline bars would leave you with 2 adrenaline bars when coming out of it)

■ make Berserker Mode recastable to leave it sooner like a Necro can do with Shroud


sorry for any gramatical errors since English isnt my first language and please tell me your opinion about these changes o/



Frajor, Honorary Skritt and Warrior main in the free time.

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You know what berzerker needs? MIGHT STACKING from other traits than eternal champion liek bloody roar something like 5 might stack with every primal burst dat for every enemy and it increases the duration of berzerker's mode boons by 20% , more damage on primal burst, TAUNT should be a passive add-on for berzerker and increased it's duration to 1 sec, always angry should be 10% more damage no 7% (liek wtf)

Sry for my engrischch but im in pain after seeing banners buff

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