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What is good replay value to you?

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Granted this is not common in MMOs but for me story content that has multiple branches and changes according to your decisions has the most replay value. Now for this game specifically I guess the Silverwastes map is a good example of a map with great replay value. A very rewarding map meta, with no time gates, purely player driven and with fun mechanics.

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Good replay value is often judged by what else I can get after I got everything from a certain map....



Anet could create replay value by adding rewards which can easily revitalize a dead map for a period of time.


Other great replay value maybe the best is pvp since u get with a little effort endless combinations of how a game could play out

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Replay value refers to content that is worth repeating to players. Of course what an individual player finds worth repeating is subjective.


To deal with this, content that comes out should of course be replayable but also there should be incentives that appeal to different player groups.


Looking at Thunderhead Peaks for example, there is of course the story. If you have alts you can replay it with alts but whether that story has replay value depends on how much each player likes the story. For me the story was ok but not great so I did it once and that's it for me. So then there is the map. I completed it with my first character and that was it. I looked at what the rewards were for repeat visits of that map: pink dragon blood weapon skins. I don't use pink in my color schemes so I never went back.


So that's the thing where it went wrong with that LS chapter for me. There are only pink weapons. We can't color weapons and there are no alternate colors available and that's where the map fell through for me. And I think there are more players that don't care for those skins for one reason or another. So the map has repeatable content as such but no replay value for me.


ArenaNet needs to look at that a bit better because the previous map, Jahai Bluffs, has the same issue. The requiem armor is expensive to get so you really need to like it to want it. I didn't care for it cause the design was not great in my view. Story was a bit better so I could've been interested in doing that but since there was no reason to go back to the map for me, I abandoned it altogether again.


To me that's a big problem because it means that new LS chapters are basically one or two evenings worth of content and then I'm done again. That's also why I prefer expansions because the size also makes it that they can and do consider more player groups.

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Replay value for me means, meta's with decent rewards so ppl actually do the meta (see HoT as good example), a variety of individual unique activities that open up when you progress meta (see HoT), lots of small (soloable/small group) events on the map. When it comes to story, depending on choices is nice but not among replayability for me... once a char is through and got the achieve its done. Jumping puzzles are also replayability (coz fun, loot and 1x achieve). Mount races are also replayability but the mistake here is that once you got the achievements and items (beetle race) you are done... I rarely see players race now in the beete races. If it gave some loot chest like jumping puzzles do or are part of dailies ppl would do them I think. Exploration is another thing... Expansion maps are big, have several exploration places... Living world maps are almost straight from point A to B. When it comes to replayability, the living world 3 maps did a good job (due to items you can get for alts), so did living world 2 (dry top and silverwastes, due to meta events).

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To me, it's novelty in gameplay mechanics that has extended application. I think this is why expansions are so popular -- between new systems like masteries and mounts being added, and new specializations and skills being released, you get a chance to change up how you play and what you're doing.


LS does add new types of gameplay, especially in instanced content, but it just isn't well-supported. Masteries, and even moreso, specializations, have long-term gameplay application wedded to a progression system and (in the case of mounts and e-specs), introduce elements of choice as to "build" and what ability to use when. Adding stealth mechanics like they've done in some LS steps is actually pretty interesting, but it just feels like a throwaway gimmick, and worse, people who don't like that style of play are forced into it. The racing is another situation where, if they wanted, they could practically have an all new game, and new ways to monetize it. But they would have to actually start thinking of it like a game within a game, and not just something to do for a day or two. Maybe there's just too much of GW1 baked in to the engine, and it gets in the way.

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For me, two things stand out. The caveat is that I personally enjoy content more as I play it more. I rarely tumble onto it the first go around. That said, the first thing is that there needs to be some reason to be there. The LW3 maps, for example, have currency that allows me, with some moderate effort, to get ascended items for my alts. They also provide a very good source of the ascended crafting mats. And so I find that I replay these a lot, especially Ember Bay, Lake Doric, and Bitterfrost Frontier.


The second requirement is that the experience wasn't painful the first time around. While I am unlikely to love the content at first glance, there are some maps that are just painful for me. So regardless of the rewards, I tend to never go back.


Other examples... I do Dragon Stand quite often, Silverwastes, POF maps and story, HoT story, and EotM. These are all areas that I've grown to enjoy and find good reason to go back. Areas I've played and never return—raids, high tier fractals, and certain explorable dungeon paths.


All of that said, for me, deployability is the key to enjoying a game.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Mount races are also replayability but the mistake here is that once you got the achievements and items (beetle race) you are done... I rarely see players race now in the beete races. If it gave some loot chest like jumping puzzles do or are part of dailies ppl would do them I think.


Mount races as a daily? That could be interesting. Have to finish in the top 3 to get credit.



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I think the variety of content makes GW2 very replayable already. I'm not hung up on rewards/gold like some, so my incentive in participating in anything is whether I think it might be fun, or if I'm helping someone who's doing something for the first time. Events and bounties fill up a lot of this. Also dailies and mats required for crafting keep me revisiting certain regions/content. As I said - there's enough of this kind of thing that I don't feel any lack of options.

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Fun and engaging combat, is the one thing that has kept me in the game for as long as it has. As long as I have fun hacking things to bits, I come back. When I get bored of that, no amount of rewards or anything else is keeping me around.


Currently on a break, but friend of mine keeps poking me back to help with doing HOT story, which I'm kind of enjoying since the HOT monsters are generally more fun to fight than most others.

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