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Help on what to do with abusive team mate.


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If we have a tanky build with no dmg and lot of survival, teleport, invulnerability and don't play our role properly, and just afk in a deserted node, and don't finish or cleave downed opponents, don't revive teammates even if no enemy nearby, don't support the team in anyway possible, we certainly have full rights to call our team mates useless and noob and call names... Coz ur fellow teammates can't retaliate in chat coz, they were being killed and respawning and you haven't died not even once... And they can't say anything bad about you coz you can always defend yourself by pointing out the times they all died and respawned and you can fool them you're a PVP God(dess)

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Out of the gate a team mate started personally attacking me for I think not going far when he went near. It was weirdly intense. Mind you I’m just a newbie silver 2 and admit I suck. The abuse escalated to the point I wanted to just quit the match. I was embarrassed for him and me. I didn’t want to let the other team members down, but I didn’t want to stick around either . How would you respond to a super negative teammate?


Block and move on.


Mind you this is the internet, you need a skin thicker than tissue paper too.


FYI I do not have anyone on my block list, you'd be surprised how effective striving to be the better person can be.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Out of the gate a team mate started personally attacking me for I think not going far when he went near. It was weirdly intense. Mind you I’m just a newbie silver 2 and admit I suck. The abuse escalated to the point I wanted to just quit the match. I was embarrassed for him and me. I didn’t want to let the other team members down, but I didn’t want to stick around either . How would you respond to a super negative teammate?


Ignore it and play your best for the sake of the rest of the team and your own sanity. . . .also take the chance to stomp that person when you see them on an opposing team and it won't hurt the match. Feels kitten great. ;)

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:


> I should clarify, I wasn't hurt or offended, I was embarrassed, for him and me. I felt he was making it awkward for my team mates. This poor dude who was launching the insults I just felt kind of the same way you feel about someone throwing up next to you on an airplane. Sad, but get me out of here!


I see, sorry for presuming.

With people it really is all kinds.


You can encounter these types of people:

1. rage quit even when it goes well because it was "too easy" (????)

2. rage at the team for dying in a 1v1 (extra-dimensional blame)

3. rage at team for not rotating while typing in chat and not rotating properly (being a hypocrite)

4. despair at a 50 point difference and spam "useless" "we lose" in chat while staying in spawn (can't deal with perceived failure)

5. rage in chat, get expertly retorted, proceeds to throw the game because you losing is more important than everyone winning (resentment issues)

6. cry in chat because someone talked bad to them and proceed to screenshot the comments and make a scene (wonderful heart of glass/professional victim)

7. talking crap at the other team when it goes well then proceeding to lose the game because too much time and confidence put into chatting (legendary throw)

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As a pvp veteran I tell you step by step how to fight ragers in GW2:

1)purchase stack of 250 packets of salt (I keep mine in my invisible bag at all times so it doesn't get deposited)

2)block rager

3)whisper "umad? lol ;)"

4)send your preferred amount of salt to said blocked player.

Bonus points if they hop on their alternate account to get the 'last laugh'

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Just don't take them serious or make fun of them. They are just random people on internet, noone important to you. No reason you should feel upset because of them. Know that if you answer they'll talk even more, they never stop talking.. :D my rank is also silver 2 and I'm not that good, the worst is when they leave afk haha

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