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Summary of Warclaw Requirements, Abilities, & Other Notes from the Livestream

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> > Im a bit "scared" to how can this affect wvw. Im the only one thinking what will happen, not only to FPS, if tehere are 200 Warclaw in a battle?

> > or...

> > if you want to have more players in wvw... the people without it (new players) will find a serious handicap while all the people is running on their warclaw while they just go on foot?


> I don't think it's unfair to assume that the consumers will at some point have bought an expansion as cheap as 10 bucks on a sale. New players can just invest 1 point into the mount and start the collection to get it. They'll have to finish a reward track, but after that they are good to go. People who are just then entering WvW shouldn't really be considered handicapped in that regard. They just shouldn't try to max the mount ability out completely first thing.


well, yes, you have to invest 1 point and finish a route, and get some other objectives. I mean, actually if a new p layer joins, wvw he can follow the squad without problem, with warclaw this will not happen, and like an infinite loop, getting warclaw with requierements linked to "group/squad" actions will be harder, and less, new-player friendly.


not saying is impossible, or very hard, but will be harder than what actually is, and being new, without the mount, will be a clear disavantadge.



> > will commanders ask for warclaw to be accepted in a squad?


> Maybe? It will help move faster for sure, but seeing as most zergs are now there will always be a tail to every one of them. It used to be people who have no idea to navigate the map or no perma swiftness, now it'll be people without Warclaw (and people who have no idea how to move around the map wink wink)


> > will this means that the rules of bringing down door/walls will change, now you may dont need anything else than 3 people with the warclaw to enter a fortress.


> You can't take down gates just with the Warclaw. It deals 2k damage to gates. Since it's locked at 3 Warclaws max this means they deal 6k damage every.. 4 seconds? That's like half of what an actual ram does and it will drain your supply. Best to have a ram apply the fire debuff and attack, rams are for support. Otherwise it's not any faster than just having somebody PvD that kitten thing. Warrior Axe 5 and GS in general are good for this and deal good DPS with many smaller hits for example.


Yes, but will be easy to spare some people here, some there, whille you have to mount a stationary ram that can be destroyed, the warclaw will be used by anyone, and will just do damage to a door and leave. Im not saying rams will dissapear, but, just, changing some rules. Not saying is bad anyway.


> > I hope the Devs have taken in account this and other things, specially the issue of 50 warclaw clashing in the field and the lag/fps reducction it could suppose to some players.


> If I had to guess it's not going to be any different than now. There might be draw distance issues, especially in combination with very low player model settings, but in general I would expect this to work because of how mounts work.



I just... don't know. Just thinking that we are all pretty excited about the WvW mount... but WvW is "massive" and when you add something in a massive enviroments changes are exponentially amplified.


> > I play wvw, i likei t, im not a big expert, or veteran, just another palyer that roams or follows a commander, but while having a new mount, more on WvW sounds greate, I see some posible problems with it.

> >

> > About "how to get it". It dont seems pretty hard, also, think is a method used by anet for the pvers ton join/start on WvW


> They've said as much on their short preview stream. They want people to play the mode to get it, while not being too difficult for completely new people to partake.


well, i understand what they said, but also, seeing other points of view, and, hope im just wrong on all this, just saying that, sometimes, "good changes", or "improvements" dont go as expected...

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I honestly wouldnt care if the mount would have had some harder wvw requirements.

> >

> > Its a WvW mount, thus to unlock its full potential, I expect to need to at least play some WvW.


> The problem there is that, unlike gliding, there is a big difference between someone who has a mount and someone who does not.


> As noted above, the mount moves 30% faster than running with perma-swiftness (ooc), so while the tail of a zerg could use the mount to catch up to those on foot, a squad comprised mainly of players with mounts will be leaving players without mounts firmly back in the dust, easy prey for roamers. As that screws up group comps, amount of supply available to the raid, etc, it would result in commanders excluding anyone from their squad who didn't have a mount.


> So no, making them harder or longer to obtain would only fragment the playerbase more than it currently is, and it would not be positive for either the players or the game mode.


That's actually a good point. I for some reason thought putting in the one point just gave you the mount and then to fully make use of it you need to do the collection stuff. (which is why I said 'to unlock its full potential').


If I'm completely honest, I find that the point system to unlock capabilities in WvW is messy as it is, but that's another topic entirely.

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