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[NA] Indonesian Guild - Gabunglah bersama!


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Bergabunglah di D-Key Studio dimana semua gamers berkumpul.

Moto kami adalah kebersamaan dan ketentraman.

Sangat bosan jika main game sendirian! Untuk itulah discord ini di-dirikan.


Contoh games yang kami bermain untuk saat ini;

- Guild Wars 2

- The Division 2

- Monster Hunter World

- Rainbow 6 Siege

..... dan ini belum termasuk game yang dimainkan di konsol Playstation, Xbox maupun Nintendo Switch. Jika komunitasnya banyak, akan juga dibuat thread spesial untuk game tersebut agar kita semua dapat main bareng dan yang paling penting - kaya dan lvl nya tinggi dalam game tersebut!


Disini, kami suka bercanda, main bersama, bergaul gau, bicara tentang topik apapun (sensitif topik juga g masalah asal jangan dimasuki kedalam hati). Banyak orang internasional juga jadi kita bisa sekalian belajar bahasa inggris yang nantinya pasti akan berguna untuk kedepannya dalam kehidupan.


Tidak wajib untuk main game sama sekali untuk masuk discord. Kadang ada yang masuk hanya untuk berbincang, diskusi, debat. Bahkan ada juga yang masuk untuk tanya tentang PR mereka dan grup kita banyak yang lulusan S2 di dalam maupun luar negri untuk membantu. Juga bisa membantu untuk konsultasi reparasi gadget, beli parts baru, dll.


Jika tertarik, join kami di discord channel;


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Background about FITM;

FITM - Fashions In The Mists

We are an Indonesian guild that would like to go international by recruiting members from all over the world.

Due to the nature of our background, most of the members here speak Bahasa. However we are more then willing to learn English, more so with the help of those who wishes to communicate with us in the subject while playing Guild Wars 2 together. Our focus = to collect all the SHINIES that the game offers! Mainly Legendaries! From Armor to trinkets to weapon collections!


Services we offer;

- Our very own Guild Hall with daily node farms

- Members with full complete home instance daily node farms (Just message if you need it)

- Discord (Come and chill with us, chat abt more then just the game, share your personal life experiences, etc.)


Mindset and aim of FITM members;

Members of FITM are very chill and casual. Regardless of race, language or religion, we don't judge, use harsh languages to communicate with each other or discriminate against others who just started to play the game! Some who are new also goes for story mission together (Playing together has always been more fun then just venturing alone) or try and complete the PvE contents in a team.


Most importantly, always remember that THIS IS A GAME! We can either be elitist and toxic about it; making more enemies or we can just choose to chill and enjoy the game together while trying to beautify our characters achieving a higher sense of SHINIES and bonds with each other :). Eventually our aim is for everyone to have at least 1 set of Legendaries in every single categories (Armor, Weapon, Trinkets, Backpiece)



Interested members can either join our discord at https://discord.gg/zTRypGgnUh and ask in the channel for an invite!

Anyone in the guild can send an invitation :)

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