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Sigh fractals

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> @"Reave.3609" said:

> Fail rate in CM groups is now higher. New instabs make everything less fun and take more time. Everything is an anxious chore now.


I am frequently perplexed by the number of people who expect to be able to run fractals the same way after a massive change to instabilities, without encountering issues. Of course the fail rate is higher because the idea was to change things up.


If you want to increase the success rate, make sure you know what you need to do to counter the new/modified instabs and consider offering suggestions to your fellow PUGs. Pretty much all of them except Birds have relatively simple counters, some easy to incorporate. (Birds, especially in combination with some instabs, requires more skill to handle, although they also need not be a big deal).

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> @"Reave.3609" said:

> consider offering suggestions to your fellow PUGs.

> Of all the things that won't work this won't work the most.

Of course it works, otherwise I wouldn't suggest it.


Will it work on everyone? Of course not; some people always know better. Some people are stubborn. And, as you say...


> The player base won't solve this unless https://discretize.eu publishes builds that say what to do.

Although I'd modify that to "some players," since it's not everyone.


And sure, if you don't want to bother trying to help others learn how to deal with the instabilities, then yeah, it's going to be less fun for you and you're going to see more failed pulls. Personally, I'd rather invest 2 minutes of my time giving it a shot than fail repeatedly because people weren't up to speed.

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And sure, if you don't want to bother trying to help others learn how to deal with the instabilities, then yeah, it's going to be less fun for you.

uuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OMG. People are not open to suggestion. They are going to be openly hostile to everything. What game are you playing?


Fractals were fine and then the devs started running around doing things. I got my LNHB and was looking forward to coasting into fractal god over the next year but now things are fucked. It's so bad now that the game loop is:


1)look at CM instabs --> give up before trying

2) t4s which used to be fine are now an exercise in patience.

3) lament even returning to this game

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> @"Reave.3609" said:

> People are not open to suggestion. They are going to be openly hostile to everything. What game are you playing?

It's fair to say you're not open to suggestions; I don't think you can claim that everyone is hostile. Maybe I've just had better luck with anons than you.



> Fractals were fine and then the devs started running around doing things.

They weren't fine for everyone. Some people want their "challenging group content" to include some element of challenge... and have stated so; ANet seemed to agree.


> I got my LNHB and was looking forward to coasting into fractal god over the next year but now things are kitten.

I'm surprised that you can LNHB without being able to manage to adapt to the recent changes. Surely 100/CM was harder to master than dealing with slippery slope or ~~bumper cars~~ the new social awkwardness.


If you want to coast, you can stick to the easy days (of which there are several) and wait for another 2-3 months until there's a herd immunity to the 'newness' of the instabilities. Or you can choose to adapt. It's up to you.



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That's why I have been trying to spread the word about Support Firebrand.

It's so frustrating to join even fairly high KP groups who scoff at the idea of sup FB when I mention preferring it, but then clearly lack the skill for a no Heal or Renegade heal comp with some instabilities and wipe over and over again, making the thing much slower and wasting my time, before then sulkily going "Fine, go Heal FB", like it's a defeat of some sort, from which point on it goes as smooth as butter.


I don't know why the GW2 community is so incredibly stubborn when it comes to running safe comps, just because they are a few seconds slower per Fractal, but then proceed to wipe for minutes instead, making it a chore.

Similar with Raids, where people laughed at the idea of Heal Scourge as second healer for months, before SC slightly validated it by putting it up as build at least.


If you can run something that makes it almost impossible to fail, at barely any cost of clear time, why wouldn't you, unless going for some sort of record time?

Just because you get carried by 4 other people every now and then, or get lucky with instabilities from time to time, doesn't mean you can run those risky but slightly faster comps consistently. It doesn't work when two or three people are lacklustre.

Pugs need to stop being so damn proud when they clearly aren't very good players and take the bone.


Run a proper and practical support, and no matter the instabilities, even CM's will be a blast.

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Could comment that our fail rate was close to zero before and is pretty much zero now but that would be me being a toxic elitist, I suppose.


On a serious note, I doubt any of the better statics struggle with the changes. They may use different compositions and all now (just look at the arguments we have about which class should or could be in supportive gear) but it comes down to the same thing, they adjusted what was needed to continue their smooth runs.


Pugs are a different story and always will be. Strategies take quite a while to change as many players neither follow the changes and patches nor play on a daily basis. Others aren't able to simply jump to another build as they do not have more than one class geared. Many just aren't on the level required to smoothly kill the CM bosses in the first place.

Pretty sure there will be a "Pug Meta" eventually. Something on the level of the old "4 Scourges, 1 Druid" which will most likely include a fully supportive FB and possible another heal Renegade alongside it. Just give them more time to figure out the new "Easy Mode". People took forever to start playing Chrono plus Druid in every group also.

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