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I Had a GW2 Dream

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It took the form of a trailer for an upcoming release. It went like this...


A small group of people are trekking across a vast expanse of ice, pushing forward against a vicious wind that's whipping and whirling all around them. They approach a dark figure standing alone out on the ice -- a skritt, all bundled up against the cold, wearing dark goggles, with a scarf wrapped around his snout. "You got the shiney?" he says, in a voice much deeper and gruffer than that of most skritt. The leader of the group hands him a bag. He looks inside, grunts, then raises his forearm and pushes a button on the back of his glove. The group begins to rise up, higher and higher above the icy expanse, which is revealed to be a huge, frozen lake in which we can now see the outline of a dragon. About the size of ol' Zhaitan. Suddenly the outline flares with light, and the ice encasing the dragon vanishes. The great beast rears up, opens its maw as if to roar, and then POP! -- it's gone. The group touches down on a cliff above the lake. The skritt hands over a small birdcage-like contraption containing a tiny, winged creature making confused squawking noises. "Enjoy your dragon," says the skritt, who then turns and walks away as the screen fades to black.


Sorry, no details on dream GW2 gameplay features. I understood, however, that the events depicted were transpiring in an alternate Tyria, which the group, from our Tyria, had reached somehow via the Mists, and that the skritt were the dominant species there.


So, ah, yeah. That's it. Anybody else ever watch a GW2 trailer in their dreams? Or have GW2 related dreams?

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Cool one! I'd play this storyline :D

I never dreamed the trailer but my first GW2 dream was of course... fighting centaurs! I continued to fight centaurs a few times more (esp. after playing too long at night). Lately I quite often have dreams of some new areas of Tyria with some vague, pretty spectacular (seemingly) meta events with even more spectacular boss fights! Some of these dreams are quite tiring since I feel confused and not exactly know what the hell is going on?! : ] But I surely feel like the gameplay is good and I want to participate! almost as if Ii broke into some beta testing areas and no one knows I'm an intruder there ;)

Lately I dreamed that I noticed a hacker in some new area that looked like a round shaped garden(?) with a round, fancy alley with fancy columns running close to the outer edge. The area was no PvP but this hacker kept on fighting some players and I was talking to him on the chat, trying to get rid of him, or get attention of an admin(?). It was vague and a bit mixed up, like dreams can be.

Maybe I should play less at night, to stop feeling like a lvl 1 player in a 80 meta event in my GW2 dreams :P

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