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Which is currently the most balanced class in the game?

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Gonna say warrior. Elementalist has some BS in its spike builds, but is otherwise underwhelming.


I do agree that eles have some deep rooted issues; FA burst is actually extremely unhealthy, it is instant and nearly unavoidable in many situations, however comes with serious extreme drawbacks to the ele themselves, often putting them in situations that other DPS classes wouldnt have to, or blowing to just about anything, and for FA to make the right situation happen it takes too many things going right, some of which are outside ele's control. It is basically a no-win situation for both sides. I have been a strong proponent to streamline ele's damage potential, give it ways to more reliably dish it out over longer periods of time, and letting them survive being able to dish all that damage, rather than "kill quickly or die faster trying" gameplay.

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Speaking about the "meta" builds only, Revenant sitting on the "perfect" balance since its release basically. Revenant has strengths and weaknesses. It can kill quickly as well as be killed quickly. It doesn't have broken passive procs neither an ability which would carry it. Revenant actually need some skill, timing and knowledge to be highly effective. Smashing the keyboard won't win a fight for it. When a revenant enter a fight, that fight has a winner. Which is also exciting tbh. You barely see (like never) stalemate in a Rev fights. Rev fights are dynamic, they are exciting and entertaining. Simply as it should be.


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> @"Miyu.8137" said:

> Speaking about the "meta" builds only, Revenant sitting on the "perfect" balance since its release basically. Revenant has strengths and weaknesses. It can kill quickly as well as be killed quickly. It doesn't have broken passive procs neither an ability which would carry it. Revenant actually need some skill, timing and knowledge to be highly effective. Smashing the keyboard won't win a fight for it. When a revenant enter a fight, that fight has a winner. Which is also exciting tbh. You barely see (like never) stalemate in a Rev fights. Rev fights are dynamic, they are exciting and entertaining. Simply as it should be.



Totally agree, Revenant for sure. I never feel "cheated" fighting Revenants.

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