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remove warclaw from wvw

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not to be overly toxic but this can't be balanced as anything more than a cosmetic giving like perma swiftness when mounted or something. the whole idea of adding more effective skills in a game that's already overtuned in both dmg, support, utility, and spamability of both, is ruining meaningful gameplay ... even more. It marginalizes individual contribution and reduces the impact of good teamwork, making ppl question why they even bother logging in. most wvw vets i kno hav super negative (not exaggerating) opinion of it. not to mention it's visual cancer; everyone with some absurdly large identical mount with soon-to-be garish colours and skins. if a new istan map is needed let's not make wvw into it pls.

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> @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> not to be overly toxic but this can't be balanced as anything more than a cosmetic giving like perma swiftness when mounted or something. the whole idea of adding more effective skills in a game that's already overtuned in both dmg, support, utility, and spamability of both, is ruining meaningful gameplay ... even more. It marginalizes individual contribution and reduces the impact of good teamwork, making ppl question why they even bother logging in. most wvw vets i kno hav super negative (not exaggerating) opinion of it. not to mention it's visual cancer; everyone with some absurdly large identical mount with soon-to-be garish colours and skins. if a new istan map is needed let's not make wvw into it pls.


It appears that you have some quality criticism mixed in with extreme hypberbole. It's hard to separate them, so maybe you might consider rewriting when you have some perspective. I've seen your analysis in WvW /team chat before and it's often quite detailed. I find myself nodding my head, even when I disagree. This time... I get that you don't like the Warclaw, but I think you can make it easier for ANet to understand why.


I'm sure you'll also realize there's 0% chance that ANet would entirely remove the Mount from WvW, so you might also consider what sorts of changes you'd like to see, to make it work better.

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> @"HoneyBadger.5691" said:

> not to be overly toxic but this can't be balanced as anything more than a cosmetic giving like perma swiftness when mounted or something. the whole idea of adding more effective skills in a game that's already overtuned in both dmg, support, utility, and spamability of both, is ruining meaningful gameplay ... even more. It marginalizes individual contribution and reduces the impact of good teamwork, making ppl question why they even bother logging in. most wvw vets i kno hav super negative (not exaggerating) opinion of it. not to mention it's visual cancer; everyone with some absurdly large identical mount with soon-to-be garish colours and skins. if a new istan map is needed let's not make wvw into it pls.


The movement speed is Just far too much Being only able to get caught by other mounts. Probably Will be killing for roaming on a +1

I found spots on keeps and Towers i could skip with the mount (if you a dev and Read this message me, ill make scrns)

The 'dismount' finnish is way op, on top of that it damages before the finnish, i hit 2.5k on a heavy with minstrl fb. Meaning 10 people can instantly wipe 10 people on spikes 'dismount' skill

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"L A T I O N.8923" wrote

> > I found spots on keeps and Towers i could skip with the mount (if you a dev and Read this message me, ill make scrns)

> Please send an email to `exploits@arena.net`. (Or you can create a support ticket.) Attach the screens and any notes you might have.


I allready have Done support tickets and my experience was not so great. Just An automated message and A ghostupdate 2 weeks later without a 'ty we fixed it' note


Id rather have direct contact with a dev since this is a pvp gamemode on which people can win the mode with

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Really Anet gives no shits about wvw balance or anything else wvwers are concerned about. This was clearly a bad idea to include any combat based abilities as it will marginalize other aspects or be used for cheese. If they didnt know this that's another problem.


The fact they did not make this a transport mount with abilities focused on transporting others say like new players without the mount was a mistake and shows they dont really care about wvw balance or new players or what the current players think.


So what was their real purpose it clearly wasnt to enrich the pvp in wvw and make it more skill based. This game is starting to feel like SWTOR with poor management choices leading to less and less players enjoying the game.

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