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[PvP] Best Bunker Healway FB Build


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I play both and with the understanding of how scourge works, I've been able to rally allies through Scourge pressure. Like I said, its a roll of the die, having your resistance corrupted doesn't mean you can't succeed in rallying:

* the resistance is there to take pressure off of you from the condition damage

* you only need resist the fear that interrupts your rallying, not every scourge runs warhorn

* you take less damage to begin with since torment won't deal additional damage while you are stationary

* mantra of solace, lore and liberation will block and cleanse additional torments


Its a roll of the die because of how many resources you need, but having say, an ally scourge or spellbreaker rally is definitely worth it. The only luck component is whether your stability gets corrupted from nefarious favor or not. Punishment corruptions will only give torment and cripple, both of which have little effect. Having multiple boons on you as a bunker firebrand will usually mean the stability doesn't always get corrupted, and if it does you can use liberation and try again.


The best thing about ToC4 is that the resistance is pulsing, so even if it gets corrupted, it can carry you through the rest of the rally. It definitely works.

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I've been running the metabattle FB bunker build and have found it to be fairly successful as long as my team has some decent dps for me to support.


Will need to look at trying Valor over Virtues. Virtues seems to mostly only benefit you when you first activate the virtues which I am not sure is worth it.


Couple questions regarding Valor. Does communal defense work with Aegis? As in, if your Aegis blocks an attack will it apply Aegis to nearby teammates? Or is it only active blocking like Mace 3 and Scepter 5 (I am assuming)? Also, thoughts on Altruistic Healing over Monk's focus? The build only has one meditation in it so it seems like it would mostly be wasted. Would the heals from applying boons outweigh the healing added to Smite Conditions? Or is there another facet of Monk's Focus that I am missing?


Also, why Menders over Magi? Does the added power make enough of a difference to give up the added vitality and healing? Thoughts on Sage? My biggest frustration with FB Bunker is the complete lack of damage. I soloQ and am dependent on teammates being able to damage as long as I keep them alive. When it works I feel like I am carrying the team. When they can't deal damage I just feel like I am dragging them down.

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I went back to valor and i feel a lot more comfortable in it than virtues. While virtues might help you support better, it does mean you are easier to kill if the enemy decides to focus you instead With valor, focusing me is a mistake because i won't die thanks to the added healing and cleansing from meditations.


I use monk's focus over altruistic healing. It makes you more durable without relying on teammates. I only take contemplation of purity but since i take smiter's boon, i actually have two meditations. I decided to keep stand your ground over smite conditions because bunker fb's biggest weakness is burst dps and in order to survive a coordinated burst of two burst dps classes you need a lot of stunbreak. the stab on stg is just the icing.


Taking valor should mean less support for your team but since i went back to magi, the added healing compounded on by the added healing output from more vitality and taking that vitality trait in honor means you're regularly dishing out 4k to 6k heals.

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I've been messing around with this not so much a pure support/bunker but more of a hybrid

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnd7ensAD1BjNCDeDBkCjF/BDLG8CCC7X0O6I1KA8tuTA-jZxHQBA4kAIvyA+7BAowjAw42fAA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnd7ensAD1BjNCDeDBkCjF/BDLG8CCC7X0O6I1KA8tuTA-jZxHQBA4kAIvyA+7BAowjAw42fAA "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnd7ensAD1BjNCDeDBkCjF/BDLG8CCC7X0O6I1KA8tuTA-jZxHQBA4kAIvyA+7BAowjAw42fAA")

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> I went back to valor and i feel a lot more comfortable in it than virtues. While virtues might help you support better, it does mean you are easier to kill if the enemy decides to focus you instead With valor, focusing me is a mistake because i won't die thanks to the added healing and cleansing from meditations.


> I use monk's focus over altruistic healing. It makes you more durable without relying on teammates. I only take contemplation of purity but since i take smiter's boon, i actually have two meditations. I decided to keep stand your ground over smite conditions because bunker fb's biggest weakness is burst dps and in order to survive a coordinated burst of two burst dps classes you need a lot of stunbreak. the stab on stg is just the icing.


> Taking valor should mean less support for your team but since i went back to magi, the added healing compounded on by the added healing output from more vitality and taking that vitality trait in honor means you're regularly dishing out 4k to 6k heals.


Been playing Support firebrand in plat a bit and have to say I much prefer valor instead. If they don't have double scourge I usually drop CoP and take Merciful Intervention which is a fairly large heal with monks focus. Not to mention the minor to recharge ToC on revive can be huge.

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[soooo I've been using this build a bunch...](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAne7dnsADFBjlDBeDBkCjlGCDbCEBGB75z/ZB9aYtlCAA-jZRHQBE8kAQvyAAZ/hw9AAAwRAAA "Soooo I've been using this build a bunch...") **<- link**


Ryan turned me on to the Firebrand Mender build variants again, so I changed mine a bit to the playstyle I fancy. It's basically the build I posted in the OP, except this has more of a damage oriented role while retaining much of its bunk prowess. Brief overview,


**Honor:** - I figured the traits that increased % healing to allies in Honor tree is nice but if you can potentially increase your Bunk Time on a point, that's actually better in my opinion. Because the way I see it, you can only heal your team so much before you eventually run into a situation where it's like hitting a brick wall; your team is full of Engi/Rangers/Revs/etc with no damages and are destined to deleting themselves in the mid fights... your team will go down... so you can at least fall back to the bunking role and pray you can 1vX long enough for team to recollect. So I chose **Writ Persistence** trait in that regards.


**Valor:** - Self explanatory.


**1-handers:** Using Axe + Quickness lore is a must for me... the axe is incredibly slow otherwise. It does in-fact deal more damage than Sword while offering good CC. The symbol is worth casting when kiting and not getting hit, swapping to Scepter + immob to ensure 2 symbols stack on a target is a nice combo.

Scepter is a range weapon I feel I need. I suppose Sword is good for a nice Teleport + Judges. Sometimes you don't necessarily NEED to be on top of a person 24/7 so i'll just stick with Scepter for now... especially when fighting Scourges.


This build is otherwise the exact same build as the one listed in OP. It just has a different play style - one that i'm actually happy with. The healing is still very good. I won a 2v3 with a good Zerker Necro as a pug duo ptner. Fought against 2 Warriors and an Ele - had to pick up the downed necro twice before we finally managed to out-sustain the trio classes. (granted, ele just sucked but you get the point)


Just food for thought (:



Condi Firebrand still sucks the big ones... i'm done theory crafting and stress testing those builds lol.. they're meant for 1 role in a given match but if that fails completely... there's no other role to fall back on and they have HUGE weaknesses vs power competent players. Even these bunker builds can at least hold a point for a reasonable amount of time, team support, and even push thieves/mesmers/engi off point. So this build has multiple roles to fall back on in case one role fails.

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If you want to be a bunker Firebrand and do it right then this is the build for you! It will make you as durable and powerful as Voltron the defender of the caps/node :)




By the way check out my video or ask me in game for advice on how to deal with each profession in SPvP or WvW. On Cave Rock.4869 or Bluevoltron42 on twitchtv.


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That video is so cringe worthy >.<... it raised the temp in my room by 10 degrees.. I had to stop it before my computer melted. Unsure if you're being facetious or not :expressionless:


That is 100% a WvW build, not SPvP. Mostly in part because of the 600 range Shouts to cleanse your team while remaining (within 600 range) a back-line supporter. The build I posted emphasizes 1v1 side node pressure while also being a bunker. I've 1v2'd and in some cases 2v3'd depending on the pug i'm with. Differentiating on how much you want to bunk, vs how much you want to damage, it's pretty much the two builds in the original post above. Some people like Mace/Staff, I prefer a more direct approach by utilizing Axe/Quickness mantra.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> That video is so cringe worthy >.<... it raised the temp in my room by 10 degrees.. I had to stop it before my computer melted. Unsure if you're being facetious or not :expressionless:


> That is 100% a WvW build, not SPvP. Mostly in part because of the 600 range Shouts to cleanse your team while remaining (within 600 range) a back-line supporter. The build I posted emphasizes 1v1 side node pressure while also being a bunker. I've 1v2'd and in some cases 2v3'd depending on the pug i'm with. Differentiating on how much you want to bunk, vs how much you want to damage, it's pretty much the two builds in the original post above. Some people like Mace/Staff, I prefer a more direct approach by utilizing Axe/Quickness mantra.


Not facetious, just my personal opinion. Each to their own I guess. Thanks for watching a bit of it anyway Saiyin. Sorry if you feel like I wasted your time. Perhaps listen to part two which might be more to your liking at the 6 mark or so. Cheers I appreciate your feedback back, but I was just trying to give an honest prediction about Path of Fire and the nine new elites two weeks before they launched.

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