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So When Can We Expect a Path Forward Post?

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I know it has only been two weeks which is why it isn't titled why don't we have a path forward post, that said when can we expect something? Also can we get some clarification on some very specific questions that have been asked for the last while such as ; expansions yes or no?, QoL plans, WvW and PvP direction?

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> They're putting out Living World Season 5 in the next few months, give or take, while working on Season 6 and Expac 3. What more do you need?


Where did you get this new information?? Last statues quo was: one more LWS4 episode, then LWS5. No word of a Season 6 nor a third expansion.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > They're putting out Living World Season 5 in the next few months, give or take, while working on Season 6 and Expac 3. What more do you need?


> Where did you get this new information?? Last statues quo was: one more LWS4 episode, then LWS5. No word of a Season 6 nor a third expansion.


What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > They're putting out Living World Season 5 in the next few months, give or take, while working on Season 6 and Expac 3. What more do you need?

> >

> > Where did you get this new information?? Last statues quo was: one more LWS4 episode, then LWS5. No word of a Season 6 nor a third expansion.


> What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?


Well, they said that they want to release ls5 instead of a new expansion

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?


> You don't present your own assumptions as facts, or you will _always_ end up with people asking you for a source of your fabricated "information."


"Business will continue doing business" is hardly an assumption.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?

> >

> > You don't present your own assumptions as facts, or you will _always_ end up with people asking you for a source of your fabricated "information."


> "Business will continue doing business" is hardly an assumption.

In situation where a lot of hints we've received show they do _not_ in fact work on expac, those assumptions of yours are actually very big ones. And so far completely unsupported.


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Why not ask for one? Should this studio be exempt from questions from people or money invested in this game? I, like many just want some answers. 7 years on and a ton of money spent, I think I'm due details about where this game is headed, as I'm sure most long time players feel. Without some clear and concise commitment from leadership, why bother hanging on? I love the game it's the best MMO I've been involved in since it launched but if the studio is ready to let it die i won't stay another minute or spend another dollar.

I think it's a death knoll without a path forward, it just reinforces the ideology the game has a limited future and as soon as something new and comparable comes around it'll fade into oblivion and that's a shame. Mobile games cannot and will not capture the MMO market, and since when is 15 million profit not a reason to continue?

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If you are responding to my post, the question was: why ask for a statement on a 'path forward' if the belief is everything the studio says is a lie?

Personally, I believe their statements; I can't see how lying would be of benefit.


Also, I've yet to see/hear the statement that future expansions are canceled. Only that we would be offered Season 5 directly after Season 4.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> why ask for a statement on a 'path forward' if the belief is everything the studio says is a lie?

That's not how it works. Telling lies is PR's bad craftsmanship analogue. The true arts of meddling with people minds lies in telling half-truths and withholding information. The more vague your responses are, the less obligations you have, in the end. They just didn't understand what you said back then, duh! You never actually said what everybody assumed you did! So lack of clear statements of future plans is even more alarming. What have they said so far? "Those events won't affect GW2". Welp, that can effectively mean they will continue to keep game in maintenance mode for 5 more years as well, with no more content added to it. Technically, they never said there will be further development, you know, only that the current state won't change.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > why ask for a statement on a 'path forward' if the belief is everything the studio says is a lie?

> That's not how it works. Telling lies is PR's bad craftsmanship analogue. The true arts of meddling with people minds lies in telling half-truths and withholding information. The more vague your responses are, the less obligations you have, in the end. They just didn't understand what you said back then, duh! You never actually said what everybody assumed you did! So lack of clear statements of future plans is even more alarming. What have they said so far? "Those events won't affect GW2". Welp, that can effectively mean they will continue to keep game in maintenance mode for 5 more years as well, with no more content added to it. Technically, they never said there will be further development, you know, only that the current state won't change.




So by your "very large" assumption, no more development.. that would suggest that they have already developed S5 so no more dev work required as its gone into maintenance mode..


Just stop with all your "you know nothing but its all fact" nonsense.

Either be patient for some kind of plan to be unveiled or, uninstall if the game/the studio is so not to your liking and everything they say must be a lie.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:> Just stop with all your "you know nothing but its all fact" nonsense.

> Either be patient for some kind of plan to be unveiled or, uninstall if the game/the studio is so not to your liking and everything they say must be a lie.


Because uninstalling the game is a great solution, and what the studio wants? My reason for posting wasn't some demand it was a question from a long time player looking for answers, why is that so horrible? I think Anet and NCSoft need to respond and sooner rather than later because not doing so sends a terribly negative message to the player base. I don't care what Anet's policy was regarding information, it's unsustainable in an MMO market, and all it does is push away their customer base. I am sympathetic to their cuts, I've had to do it myself many times throughout my career but in the end I always advised my customers and gave them a clear plan of our direction and why we had to do what we did. I will not go quietly into the night I will rage and rage against the night....why because this game deserves it, we deserve it!


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Is 250 Devs a 'minimum crew'? If it's more than said 'minimum crew', what are the rest of the Devs working on?


Who knows? I guess that's why people would like them to communicate their plans in a bit more detail.


There _were_ 400 devs and an unknown number of them were working on several unannounced projects. This was hardly surprising given the slow rate of development in all areas of the game (PvP, WvW, fractals, raids and the LS releases). It is a huge assumption to think that the remaining 250 or so devs will _all_ be put onto GW2, they may have other projects that weren't cancelled.


So yeah, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to expect more communication and I believe it's in ArenaNet's best interests to share more details on their plans in order to assuage their customer's fears.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?

> > >

> > > You don't present your own assumptions as facts, or you will _always_ end up with people asking you for a source of your fabricated "information."

> >

> > "Business will continue doing business" is hardly an assumption.

> In situation where a lot of hints we've received show they do _not_ in fact work on expac, those assumptions of yours are actually very big ones. And so far completely unsupported.



I can guarantee you they're going to work on it. Whether or not they release it, and in what form, is another matter entirely. Unless you believe the studio is only working on a single object at a time? in a continuity-driven experience like Living World?

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > > What else are they going to do? all go on vacation?

> > > >

> > > > You don't present your own assumptions as facts, or you will _always_ end up with people asking you for a source of your fabricated "information."

> > >

> > > "Business will continue doing business" is hardly an assumption.

> > In situation where a lot of hints we've received show they do _not_ in fact work on expac, those assumptions of yours are actually very big ones. And so far completely unsupported.

> >


> I can guarantee you they're going to work on it. Whether or not they release it, and in what form, is another matter entirely. Unless you believe the studio is only working on a single object at a time? in a continuity-driven experience like Living World?


They just had a radical restructuring and their business plans for post-LS5 (if they even have them right now), could be a myriad different things which may or may not include an expansion among them. As others have said, facts and wishful thinking are two entirely different things.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:> Just stop with all your "you know nothing but its all fact" nonsense.

> > Either be patient for some kind of plan to be unveiled or, uninstall if the game/the studio is so not to your liking and everything they say must be a lie.


> Because uninstalling the game is a great solution, and what the studio wants? My reason for posting wasn't some demand it was a question from a long time player looking for answers, why is that so horrible? I think Anet and NCSoft need to respond and sooner rather than later because not doing so sends a terribly negative message to the player base. I don't care what Anet's policy was regarding information, it's unsustainable in an MMO market, and all it does is push away their customer base. I am sympathetic to their cuts, I've had to do it myself many times throughout my career but in the end I always advised my customers and gave them a clear plan of our direction and why we had to do what we did. I will not go quietly into the night I will rage and rage against the night....why because this game deserves it, we deserve it!



Hmm, I never said you asking for some form of a roadmap was a horrible thing.. my post was countering another poster not you.

I actually agree that some clarification of what lies ahead for the game beyond LS5 is required and it is more than likely that information will be forthcoming at some point in the future when ANET have been able to restructure, refocus and feel the time is right.

Of course, there is no guarantees that we will like what we here.. so for now be thankful the plan is to push on with LS4 and onto LS5.. that was always the plan looking at the next 12-18month whether an expac is or was planned, so from that perspective nothing has changed.

The fact that many of us come here to voice opinion and debate assumptions, some as far fetched and made up as they likely are, shows we all care in some small way.

So as of now we have a clear direction, we know what ANET/NC Soft has had to do and why.. the rest is not really any of our business and we would never be/shall never be parley to why's and wherefores of their respective business's. All we can do as players is try to be patient, allow the dust to settle and decide whether we still enjoy the game enough to keep logging in and maybe spending some coin if something should take our fancy in the gemstore… why, because that is all we can do other than turning our backs on it, which personally, I don't think ANET is deserving of that - but that's just my opinion.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Also, I've yet to see/hear the statement that future expansions are canceled. Only that we would be offered Season 5 directly after Season 4.


There was a [link](https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/guild-wars-2-more-than-just-a-damage-number-1000013464 "link") posted on how, in late 2018, Mike Z stated that the game would "not get a third expansion, at least not anytime soon." So there is reason to ask _the_ question.

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