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Please support weaker classes reasonably by their assumed lore


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Please for weaver if you could give us the amount of creativity placed in most other class traits. Since we're a selfish class we should have easier access to building up selfish boons like might and biasly protection. I'd suggest taking advantage of weaver lore of being a master of weaving elements and add to a trait gaining might from pyromancer puissance as long as one attunement is fire. I know there is boon hate from necro but with skill and placement it shouldn't be too hard to build up might again.


With might we'd be great hybrids that you may have aspired us to be. Also if you could add condition to every fire sword skill and vulnerability to every lightning sword skill even weakness on the final lighting chain that would be nice. We'd still have trouble surviving till third lightning chain but still it would be nice.


Apart form everything else suggested, this may be bias but I would like to be supported by our lore the same way Mesmer is by having a trait that let's us benefit from two attunement when it come to boons like might even if not attune to fire in any.


Another bias would for elemental superiority having a lower cool down so we have easier access to weakness from ten to two or three secs, this would make dual skills more viable.


Back to the the main point, as selfish class it would be nice to be able to do significant damage without staff fire 5. Other classes can grant several boons to other player without sacrificing significant damage or DPS loss, whereas without a player with training golem reflex, we can't effectively kill our opponents . There are very good players who know how to turn this class to gold but for the average again easier access to boons may help improve this class for them.


Also if you raise burning precision burning chance to 66% on critical hit that would be wonderful, I'd want 100% but that may be bias.


Another bias would be for increase superspeed for twist of fates


As for unravel if you could make the boons last longer like 5 seconds to 15 seconds, since other classes can sport perma crits.


I know some may say we're a aoe class but we have such long cast times which can knock backed by ranger or feared by neccro and warrior, or launch by holosmith and scrapper and of course gaurdian when saving primordial stance for other enounters. Back to unravel, if you could make it make attack unblockable for 5 seconds at least, it would be nice.


Also a huge bias but if fire two could have instant recharge rate as long as opponents are burned. It wouldn't do much but much appreciated


For stone resonance if it could purge two condition it would see more use and not be just a pretty picture.


Now the main point as annoyingly said so many times is for there to be easier might buildup for weavers with sword, since staff weaver with might might be a little too much with fire staff eventhough I'd love to have might with staff(Please con't downvote, Staff users).


And annoyingly again please more access for boons and trait advantage from two attunements, but for reasons i will not explain, it should kept to boons since we don't want boring gameplay from immortal weaver who can't kill you but you can't kill them.


Sorry for being bias for sword weaver.


For scepters and staff weaver and even tempest GL


Might please please


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You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?

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I know we have arcane trait but still compared to other classes who don't have to sacrifice sustainability for dps we need blast finishers in which fire 2 leads us to instant or wasting our earth evade. So as said before as a selfish class...a selfish meelee class and supported by an assumed lore double attunement for boons and not all traits, also adding quickess to lightning traits should would be reasonable due to what I'd assume logic.


This is more bias than balance but maybe a few water traits could give resistance,


Otherwise without easier access to boon it's hard mitigate dps loss from long easily blockable skill execution time which means not bringing much to team even damage the thing we're supposed to excel at can't compare with other classes who have unselfish boon share and terrifying burst damage



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And i would only limit it to boons because some traits, would make us immortal but it would be great if average player could affect team fights with more than limited cc blocked by stability.


And might could make up for the dps loss from classes which have a good number of block invulerables, evade which who can respond to our long easily long interruptable cast time.

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What are your suggestions, but as a selfish class as Annoyingly stated before might is a boon we should be easily able to build up in fight without worrying about rapid fire rangers, one shot mirages, and of course back piercing deadeyes.


double attunement for boon traits is what i ask everything else is bias and this is because it can be supported by assumed lore

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> @"Garkus.2183" said:

> You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?


Those very good players would probably get better results with any other professions.

A game should be balanced against majority, not a minority. Unless you want to restrict a profession usage to elite players.

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> @"Garkus.2183" said:

> You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?


This is the reason why the complexity of the elementalist compared to the rest of the classes makes it impossible to balance it.

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"Garkus.2183" said:

> > You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?


> Those very good players would probably get better results with any other professions.

> A game should be balanced against majority, not a minority. Unless you want to restrict a profession usage to elite players.


no, you should balance around the top players with everybody else in mind. balancing around top players doesn't mean making something ridiculously hard to use.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > > @"Garkus.2183" said:

> > > You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?

> >

> > Those very good players would probably get better results with any other professions.

> > A game should be balanced against majority, not a minority. Unless you want to restrict a profession usage to elite players.


> no, you should balance around the top players with everybody else in mind. balancing around top players doesn't mean making something ridiculously hard to use.


I disagree. When you play a character in mmo, you have many things to check, mainly foes and your skills/timers. In case of elementalist, it is especially hard work for 2 reasons.

Your damage output relies on almost perfect rotations. But your sustain requires breaking the first and is critical considering non-existing default sustain.

One mistake and you are probably going down.


Top players usually have much higher apm than average players, along with huge playtime. And I think both are necessary to be really successful as ele. Which is not true for most other professions.


As a casual player, I get better results on my warrior (which I barely play) than my ele (main, more than 500 hours playtime).


In GW1, ele was a solid profession. Could be squishy but with very high damage. Or you could play great support. All this doable by an average player.

In GW2 early days, ele was fine. Maybe a bit OP for top players. But then, it got nerfed to the ground, exactly because a few were too good. But about all others? Sure, they could play another profession, but most like its theme and skills.

In the end, ele might be decent in the hands of the best but mediocre/bad for all others (vast majority of players).


Sounds fair? Not for me.

This game truly lacks an efficient balance team, which monthly patches and open discussions in professions forum. It should be top priority in any mmo. Here, it seems to be the least priority...

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > > > @"Garkus.2183" said:

> > > > You are correct,there are very good players that make weaver a very tough class to fight.My question is if anet enacted these suggestions for you (a self proclaimed average player,like myself) what kind of godmode monster would that make the very good players?

> > >

> > > Those very good players would probably get better results with any other professions.

> > > A game should be balanced against majority, not a minority. Unless you want to restrict a profession usage to elite players.

> >

> > no, you should balance around the top players with everybody else in mind. balancing around top players doesn't mean making something ridiculously hard to use.


> I disagree. When you play a character in mmo, you have many things to check, mainly foes and your skills/timers. In case of elementalist, it is especially hard work for 2 reasons.

> Your damage output relies on almost perfect rotations. But your sustain requires breaking the first and is critical considering non-existing default sustain.

> One mistake and you are probably going down.


> Top players usually have much higher apm than average players, along with huge playtime. And I think both are necessary to be really successful as ele. Which is not true for most other professions.


> As a casual player, I get better results on my warrior (which I barely play) than my ele (main, more than 500 hours playtime).


> In GW1, ele was a solid profession. Could be squishy but with very high damage. Or you could play great support. All this doable by an average player.

> In GW2 early days, ele was fine. Maybe a bit OP for top players. But then, it got nerfed to the ground, exactly because a few were too good. But about all others? Sure, they could play another profession, but most like its theme and skills.

> In the end, ele might be decent in the hands of the best but mediocre/bad for all others (vast majority of players).


> Sounds fair? Not for me.

> This game truly lacks an efficient balance team, which monthly patches and open discussions in professions forum. It should be top priority in any mmo. Here, it seems to be the least priority...


that's not an issue because anet balanced around high tier players but because anet nerfed everything instead of just the parts that top players used to be OP

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> Hard to fight

What does that mean ? Hard to kill ? Hard to survive ? The good players that play weaver don't play weaver because it's a good class, they play because of Will, because of gameplay. But if you look at the role they play; it's 90% side node Bunkers or decapers, and that's all they can play. And even that they don't shine. You hardly can handle 1v2, you don't have team support or have burst and range for +1. All you sustain is "active" : you can't just activate a skill and tank a bit, you need to rotate/dance all yours skills/attunements and evades, to dodge your enemy and heal with signet and Arcane; that is the reason "good weavers" are hard to fight but also why they can't keep melee pressure and how fast they die at 1v2 or with a strong cc/burst.

Just look at Engie now; scrapper since patch or holo; soft team support, easier CC, stab, great capacity to tank power AND condi, to tank 1v2 while they keep pressure, they have nearly more mobility. Boonbeast, same, with more DPS, better stab. Mesmer too.

We're in a bunker meta, and most of classes can play that role ... with less traits/skills and healing power/vitality than elem ...

10% are fresh air or quirk builds; won't say they can't kill/decap etc, but are they really a strength to their team ??


Side node are already stupid fights, but they are way stupider when you do your best to survive 1v1 while people in front just need 2-3 skills to temporize AND they can disengage faster ando also play bruiser or support in larger fights when there is already presence of the role, or lack of presence ...

If you have 2 weavers or weaver + thief in your team you can forfeit; if you have 2 engie or even 2 thiefs, you have chance/balance. It's my experience over ~150 matchs this season, and I fell from plat2-3 to gold3-plat1 in a week because of teams of 2 scrappers ; -24 -23 -18 ... and +12 for a victory against silver/gold, it can go really fast.


If they balance around high tier players they may notice there are more thiefs, mesmers, engie, SB may be even SpB and reapers than elem.

Edit : if you look at AT there is no ele since months, and if there is, the team doesn't go far. So, where are the top tier elems ?

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