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Are you a Roamer and do you look down on a Zergling?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I have been mostly a Roamer for the past 5 years and always felt superior against Zerglings as they usually aren't able to put up much fight when they are away from the blob.

> > Be it their builds or the skills they showed, they felt inferior in every way.

> > They were like skill-less walking bags.

> > Even top GvG guild members when caught alone, go down easily.

> > During my later years of roaming, knowing that they can't put up much fight, I stopped engaging them because there was no challenge.

> >

> > I thought that given my skills as a roamer, running on tag in a blob was going to be easy.

> > If those skill-less Zerglings/GvG guys could do it, then so could I.

> > So recently I did a job change to being a Zergling main and realized that being a Zergling is not as easy as I thought!

> > It takes skill to survive and do well in a blob!

> > Those old-time Zerglings did it better than me.

> > Their movements, timing, rotations etc. etc. were way better than mine.

> > There was this EA guild driver who particularly impressed me with his stutter-step kiting movements where he literally walks past the enemy blob's charging spearhead within touching distance. The composure, timing and movement he showed was OMGOSH good.

> > And I applaud them for their skills.

> >

> > Just like I've had 5 years of roaming experience, Zerglings also had 5-6 years of Zergling experience!

> > Zerglings are not skill-less.

> > They are just skilled in other areas!

> > So don't look down on Zerglings anymore!

> >

> > P.S. Sorry if I'm actually the only Roamer who looked down on Zerglings.


> If a human “looks down on” another human for how they play an online VIDEO GAME, they need to re-evaluate their life and find some personal meaning.


Yeah unless theyre looking down on a 'gAnKeR'. Then its okay... at least thats what the zerglings in the forums think. Right? /s

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> Actually, no, to be in a zerg, the first requirement is a good Internet Connection. if you have that, you can zerg with your eyes closed.


Zerging with a bad internet connection is great fun, you're constantly trying to play your character based on unreliable visual stimuli and baffled as to how you're still alive and dealing damage. It's like putting your faith in a higher power that everyone else just takes for granted.

Couple that with playing on a keyboard half of whose keys have long since given up the ghost and you have a truly zen experience. Yeah sometimes you die and have no idea why but then there are times in SMC where you're flowing through enemy armies trying to guess what's real and all you can do is laugh as your untouchable ghost self inexplicably collects bags.

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