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Wich class you fear the most with Revenant


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The more i play Power Herald in pvp, the more i understand that this class is not build to compete well in duels (i think is bottom of the list as far concerning duels perform among all classes), and the more i understand that to play revenant in pvp is more relevant to have the ability to chose your target and chose your engages wisely than be good in duels. So to act as a guide for new revenant wannabe, here's the question.

Playing as revenant, what class you enjoy to engage most in 1v1, wich class you give priority to burst down and wich class you completely avoid to 1v1 and run away?


Here's my list

Top "I prefer to run away/never engage in duel, wait for team fight or +1" classes:

1. Any no mesmer/crono/mirage not power build

2. Boonbeast/druid

3. Dh/core guard

4. Spellbreaker

5. Yolosmith


Top "I like to burst/ambush in team fights" priority classes:

1. Scourge/reaper

2. Thief (any build/specializations)

3. Others Revenant

4. Yolosmith

5. Power Mesmers


Top "I will probably engage you in node duels" classes:

1. Weaver

2. Thief (any build/specializations)

3. Scourge (absolutely not the reaper)

4. Power mesmers

5. No others classes rather the ones in this list i would ever engage in node duels. I would add revenant, but it's so rare to find a revenant node defending in a pvp match.

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Mesmers on my team. They talk shit the whole time because they have no bad matchups. But on a serious note, mirages, boonbeast, and spellbreakers. Mirages because they just have more answers to my skills then I have for theirs, boonbeast because of there ability to just melt you if caught off guard, and spellbreakers because of their long immunities that force me off points. I'm not the best pvp'er.

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As a Condi Rev, I fear Dragonhunters the most. I hate fighting them. Perhaps it's just that I don't actually know how to fight them, but I feel like they have the massive upper hand and can just crush me. Their CC destroys me and my lack of stab/evades, and they have a lot of cleanse. It may not even be my worst matchup, but being bounced around triggers me.


Beyond that...I struggle the most with ranged power specs. Power Soulbeast, GS Chrono/Mirage, etc. Thieves are difficult too, especially core s/d.

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Not that as a rev you want to aim to go around 1v1ing but:

Matchups I like to take when I have to 1v1-

Core Guard, FB, Rev, Warrior, Necro, Can do scrapper but it takes forever, tempest, holo

Matchups I don't like-

Basically everything else

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Mirages and S/D Thiefs/Deadeyes are pretty unbeatable if they know what they're doing...


Everything else is fair game.


Edit: That's more from a wvw roaming/dueling people perspective... In sPvP yer not really supposed to be getting into 1v1's, but if you are try to pick fast matchups and avoid anything bunkery--because their entire goal is to stalemate you forever while their team runs up the score.

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Against other damage specs it's mostly about who gets in the first burst. If you're first you usually win, but if you are bursted first you're immediately on the backfoot. Applies mainly against other revs, core guards, S/D thieves, ps mesmers, non-duelist rangers.


Against duelists/bunkers I feel like the best match-up is vs weavers and spellbreakers. You're likely to win against weaver if you avoid their few burst skills and land your own burst at the right moments. Spellbreaker is easier to fight than a core warrior if you don't trigger their FC. Means Elemental Blast and Chaotic Release are out of the question because those are easy triggers for them unless you know their FC is on cd. The fight is tricky and it's still 60/40 if you win or not but it can be done.


Fact is rev is no duelist in PvP, so you shouldn't try to play it as one. Rotate into ongoing fights, don't be the one to start them.

That said, dueling a good core guard or thief can be extremely fun, and those are one of the few duels you can do.

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In WvW I play my own snowflake version of power herald. It's pretty glass. In general, there are two classes that I fear.


1: Mirages. Best dueling class beats me in a duel. Go figure.

2: Warriors. Not all of them, but there are some warrior builds that just walk all over me. They're more mobile, more invulnerable, and higher damaging.


That was... a long time ago, though. Things have probably changed since then.

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Since I run around on a fully supportive healing Ventari/Jalis-Renegade in WvW these days; everyone ;)


Ok, not really.. to be fair I don't feel like I fear any classes in particular. I've won and lost my fair share against all in various 1 on 1 situations. My damage isn't particularly high, but I can still burst a tiny bit with /Sword and I have my tablet to protect me against ranged at least. If the foe has ranged, I laugh from within/behind my little bubble of safety. If I switch over to Kalla over Jalis, the spirits can definitely help with baiting out dodges or to try catch and prevent certain skills on the foe too when I see them backpedaling. I'm better suited to be together with others though, obviously. That's why I run the supportive build I run. I enjoy it after years of building offensively even if it means I can't deal as much damage as I used to. It's still decent. I get by. And I know I pull my weight in a group setting when I see I heal others for huge numbers.


The projectile block on the tablet is underrated too. It's fantastic for pushing and while zoning the enemy group. Spirits are great for blowing up Necromancer marks as well I might add, even if I find it annoying that they can be killed so easily while I see all these AoE fields from other classes littering the ground everywhere. Maybe some day whoever is behind Renegade will get off their behind and actually make the use of these guys feel more rewarding than them being Necromancer mark blasters and otherwise good for increasing our backlines damage and catching the enemy sides/backlines with annoying interrupts and Cripple. Maybe then I can finally use them a little bit more.


At the very least they should be possible to be thrown up on and down from walls. The whole "no valid path" issue is so freaking stupid. It was stupid when we got the Elite, and it's grown to be even more stupid the more I play. There's absolutely no valid reasons for why that needs to be a thing as far as I see it. We can't teleport to them. Others can't teleport to them. And it can't be a technical issue, I don't buy it. There is undoubtedly a way to implement them without the need for a valid path to target. There are still situations where they should be usable but fails which has resulted in my death, just because of this dumb issue, e.g., on the stairs up on a wall in World vs. World, where marks, fields, AoE and so on forth can be put just fine, but nope, not our spirits. No valid path to target, right in front of me.. meanwhile a Thief can shortbow up on a wall from the other side of an open gate without any issues. Thanks, Renegade developer, thanks.

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