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Has there been any ele in the top 2-3 teams in major ATs lately?


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I'm legitimately asking if there is any website where I can keep track of the teams and their team compositions in the last big ATs. Of course Im only interested in the top teams because it means that it worked, I would like to see their builds. I went to metabattle which says that they update their builds based on the latest ATs, but I didnt see any ele builds until 2 tiers below Meta and Good, basically the lowest tier, so I dont know if they just didnt update them or something else.


Thanks in advanced!

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Ele either stalls 1v1s or plays a one shot build.


Problem is engie can out-stall ele and plenty of classes out-one shot fresh air.


Everything it does another class does better. With regards to the question, I'm pretty sure grimjacks the only one NA.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> Ele either stalls 1v1s or plays a one shot build.


> Problem is engie can out-stall ele and plenty of classes out-one shot fresh air.


> Everything it does another class does better. With regards to the question, I'm pretty sure grimjacks the only one NA.


I wouldn't say other classes out-one shot ele, FA Weaver has by far the highest burst in the game. I'm talking about the amount of damage you can put out in under a second. Rev takes longer to do that and I think power Mirage isn't strong enough to burst that hard anymore. The problem with FA Weaver is they're extremely one target based in a meta where aoe damage is pretty essential. I don't actually think FA Weaver is that bad, like I said it's more a class that will focus on one specific target instead of doing a bunch of collateral damage like other dps classes that are being used in AT's.

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Bunker Weaver is okay, Soulbeast being nerfed pretty hard pushed it in a better spot, it'll beat Mirages and Warriors, and stall everything else.


Revenant and Scourge plussing into a Weaver will destroy it, probably quicker than most other sidenoders, but just about anything else, a D/P thief, a S/D thief, Core Guard, thats where it wants to be. It punishes those classes really really hard when they 2v1. When a Bunker Weaver does what it wants to do, no class can even come close to it, it's just rare for that to happen.



Fresh Air Weaver is just a worse Power Mirage, it does too much damage too frequently to target something else before it, which goes to show how much damage it really pumps out. It's downfall is it can't mitigate other peoples damage when they turn to focus it, you can't focus a Mirage doing crazy damage, you can easily do that to a Fresh Air Weaver.

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