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What do you appreciate about GW2? [A Positive Thread]

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All content remains relevant for characters of all levels. Whether it's the latest LS map or a 0-15 level zone, the game gives us many reasons to visit both maps repeatedly, and the level scaling technology works very well. Unlike other MMOs where after an expansion launches, the maps from previous expansions are populated only by players leveling new characters or farming for specific drops/skins/achievements, GW2 manages to keep the entire world alive, enriching the experience of those leveling new characters, or farming on max level ones.

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The wonderfully crafted world design. Meta events. While dated and I wish there were new ones, dungeons. Fractals. Raids (although I don't partake in that aspect of the game anymore due to the elitist nature of the small subset of players that have "overtaken" the mode, that consistently seems to do anything they can to deter fresh blood from entering with all their criterias, and thus don't allow the scene to grow, which would make it more appealing for ArenaNet to develop content for it ;) ). The lore and overall story. The combat system. More recently the way they went about introducing mounts, giving them unique uses and them not just being means of transportation. The Buy Once, Play For Free aspect of the game. World vs. World, even more now with the recent Warclaw addition. That they actually allow for Gold to be converted to Gems and vice versa. The instruments. God how I love the instruments (and I hope to see more in the future like a string instrument (e.g., violin)). Underwater combat (even though it could use some work, I genuinely hope to see an underwater WvW borderland at some point with reworked underwater combat and mechanics as well as fully submerged maps out in the sea). There's just so much that I love about this game. This is just a fraction of the reasons.

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Ok so while we discuss and object to certain things how they are done, why they did that or this etc. Lets take a moment and list what you love about GW2 the most.

For me I find the community ( as a whole ) has been incredible and supportive. I have never had an issue finding the answer to a question or how to go about doing this or that. I’ve had countless people offer to assist me in quests and story if I needed any help.

While I enjoy going Rogue and just running around doing my own thing. I do find it quite enjoyable doing events that require groups gathered together to beat someone down ( boss ).

Mesmers. Love these peeps LOL without which I would be much more frustrated as this white man can’t jump and jumping puzzles leave me dying over and over and over again LOL. There is always someone willing to port me where I need to be even when they see my frustration and me going head on again and again and again and again lol.

The artwork is incredible and stunning. The entire world that has been created always blows my mind with the tiny details put into place in ever area. Graphics are amazing as are the character designs selections and details.

What are some of the things you Love about GW2?


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All what you say is true and my list of what I love in the game would be too long. I will therefore share about the 2 things I love the most in the game:

- The variety of activities and free choice to do them or not.

- The incredible - close to never ending - list of existing achievements all types and again free choice to do them or not.


Globally, there are lot of things to do and nothing is mandatory. This allows each of us to take what he/she like and ignore the rest. I enjoy the variety and the freedom. <3

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The first things that impressed me when I started playing were the elimination of elements that make players bitterly competitive (such as no competition for nodes, no 'kill-stealing' etc.), and the minimizing of the need to 'farm'. This is the first MMO I've played where I didn't do ANY farming until I decided that I wanted something that was not necessary to play, and it was therefor my choice entirely whether to bother. Even now that I farm ascended mats, it's not a pain like it can be in other games.

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Guild Wars ( in general) feels like one of the most organic looking worlds to be in. The lore feels organic, the races, people story. I have played other MMO's and they do just feel like by the numbers MMO's, some of them do look great, but it's ruined by " KILL XX AMOUNTS OF THINGS!".


With Guild Wars, Aside from story missions, you don't HAVE to do any of the side things, and it will still feel natural. Hearts having the option to do multiple things to take care of it is nice.


That and there always is a mystery behind stuff.

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SPvp goer here, escaped from the salt mines to comment.


The PvP combat is fast paced and thrilling in ways that very few MMOs can match.


The combo system is totally the best part of the combat as it rewards intuitive use of skills and some classes (like engie) need it to function at peak. Frankly I wish there were more combos.

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