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Defiance bar for mounts?


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This would not be a buff.

Anet said that the reason you cannot CC or immob a mount is because it would require a lot of backend coding.


What about a defiance bar that when depleted, de-mounts you? Sandsharks in PvE dismount you. Should be a similar concept I would think.

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1. Just reduce the dodge to 1 or 2 with lower endurance regeneration, that's too fast.


2. Make warclaw skill#1 dismount both players if you hit. (The enemy you hit and yourself).


Mount problem solved.


It's a dang war zone, not a place where chicken players can that easily avoid fights.

Play PvE if you wanna run with your mount and don't wanna get attacked by players.



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But then if you're in combat already and someone on a mount comes along, you cannot dismount them. With multiple CC's you could.


I do agree with that number 1 skill thing too, though, for while both are mounted. Could possible even make the 3 skill a chain pull (form of CC) that allows a mounted player to assist in CCing the enemy mount while remaining mounted himself.

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > It's a dang war zone, not a place where chicken players can that easily avoid fights.


> Better remove mirage, thief, etc then.



If they avoid fights, then why are there people complaining about getting killed by them? :x just sayin

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > It's a dang war zone, not a place where chicken players can that easily avoid fights.

> >

> > Better remove mirage, thief, etc then.

> >


> If they avoid fights, then why are there people complaining about getting killed by them? :x just sayin


Because people will complain about what ever.


Mirage... I would defend it, if I hadn't seen a video where all the guy had was trail blazer trinkets, and no armor 100-to-0 people in the blink of an eye. I wouldn't outright nerf Condi Mirage. I'd just make it so cleanses give a very brief resistance. Maybe just 1 or 2 seconds, to combat the fact that it can just be reapplied all over again.

Thief because they can pretty much come out of bone fuck no where and do massive damage to glassy builds. And in my one-week of experience... commanders want people in Zerks for some fucking reason. But after that burst, it requires thief far more effort against a competent player, than the competent player against a thief.

Ranger... I guess soulbeast is broken? People are starting to complain about it.

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