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Why did Caithe...? [spoilers]

Daniel Handler.4816

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


>Let go even way back. If Glint knew that the ED will wake up and create all these mess that we have to clean up if we kill Abaddon, then why did she set the motion with the Flameseeker's Prophesy?

I agree that the muddled storytelling has undermined the notions of Glint's benevolence and wisdom, but this part, at least, can't be laid on her doorstep. The Prophecies didn't have any interaction with Nightfall, and Abaddon's resulting death. Khilbron and the Titans didn't accomplish anything other than Abaddon's revenge against Orr (and a failed stab at world domination).

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Either way it's a corruption because it came from an Elder Dragon because it is established that Elder Dragon corrupts and it doesn't really matter how one perceives it. Their magic corrupts (not just affects) both the body and the mind. That is why what happened to Caithe is not a corruption.


> It was already establish way before this that the corruption of the mind that happened to Glint was cleansed by the Forgotten in a ritual. Glint's daughter and son, Aurene/Vlast, had free minds as a result of this. And now Aurene has created cleansed corruption. No definitions have changed.


> Second, the immunity to corruption is via the protection of the Dream. That has not changed. Caithe was corrupted because the Dream allowed it. We can only guess why it did. But we have known for a very long time it can decide things on its own. That is how every Sylvari gets its name, and some get Wyld Hunts.


> Nothing has changed.


Do you even read what you post? What the heck is "cleansed corruption"? If it is cleansed, then it's not a corruption. That is a solid evidence in an attempt to change the definition of the word. There is no such thing as "cleansed corruption". This is the problem with what the Dev say, they call what Aurene did as corruption even though the very definition of word is the opposite of what we've observed.


> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> >Let go even way back. If Glint knew that the ED will wake up and create all these mess that we have to clean up if we kill Abaddon, then why did she set the motion with the Flameseeker's Prophesy?

> I agree that the muddled storytelling has undermined the notions of Glint's benevolence and wisdom, but this part, at least, can't be laid on her doorstep. The Prophecies didn't have any interaction with Nightfall, and Abaddon's resulting death. Khilbron and the Titans didn't accomplish anything other than Abaddon's revenge against Orr (and a failed stab at world domination).


Not exactly. Both the Lich and Shiro works for Abaddon yet none of these blips on Glint's radar.


Another thing, Glint admits that she cannot see what happened after a certain point in time, that is because she's dead. So how in the world does she knows that Aurene will restore balance if she didn't foreseen it that far ahead in the future? She's either lying about not seeing the future or she lying about Aurene as the key for restoring the balance. She's trying have it both ways. Sounds to me that Glint is full of shit and we're being played for fool by making the whole thing up to give humanity a false hope. Nothing adds up.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > Either way it's a corruption because it came from an Elder Dragon because it is established that Elder Dragon corrupts and it doesn't really matter how one perceives it. Their magic corrupts (not just affects) both the body and the mind. That is why what happened to Caithe is not a corruption.

> >

> > It was already establish way before this that the corruption of the mind that happened to Glint was cleansed by the Forgotten in a ritual. Glint's daughter and son, Aurene/Vlast, had free minds as a result of this. And now Aurene has created cleansed corruption. No definitions have changed.

> >

> > Second, the immunity to corruption is via the protection of the Dream. That has not changed. Caithe was corrupted because the Dream allowed it. We can only guess why it did. But we have known for a very long time it can decide things on its own. That is how every Sylvari gets its name, and some get Wyld Hunts.

> >

> > Nothing has changed.


> Do you even read what you post? What the heck is "cleansed corruption"? If it is cleansed, then it's not a corruption. That is a solid evidence in an attempt to change the definition of the word. There is no such thing as "cleansed corruption". This is the problem with what the Dev say, they call what Aurene did as corruption even though the very definition of word is the opposite of what we've observed.


If you don't know what it is then you don't have the basic information to be part of this discussion. Go replay the story and then come back.


And get a kitten dictionary before you talk about definitions.


Corruption: "a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct. eg. The corruption of a data file."


Has Caithe departed from her original form. Yes. Therefore she is corrupted.


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > Either way it's a corruption because it came from an Elder Dragon because it is established that Elder Dragon corrupts and it doesn't really matter how one perceives it. Their magic corrupts (not just affects) both the body and the mind. That is why what happened to Caithe is not a corruption.

> > >

> > > It was already establish way before this that the corruption of the mind that happened to Glint was cleansed by the Forgotten in a ritual. Glint's daughter and son, Aurene/Vlast, had free minds as a result of this. And now Aurene has created cleansed corruption. No definitions have changed.

> > >

> > > Second, the immunity to corruption is via the protection of the Dream. That has not changed. Caithe was corrupted because the Dream allowed it. We can only guess why it did. But we have known for a very long time it can decide things on its own. That is how every Sylvari gets its name, and some get Wyld Hunts.

> > >

> > > Nothing has changed.

> >

> > Do you even read what you post? What the heck is "cleansed corruption"? If it is cleansed, then it's not a corruption. That is a solid evidence in an attempt to change the definition of the word. There is no such thing as "cleansed corruption". This is the problem with what the Dev say, they call what Aurene did as corruption even though the very definition of word is the opposite of what we've observed.


> If you don't know what it is then you don't have the basic information to be part of this discussion. Go replay the story and then come back.


> And get a kitten dictionary before you talk about definitions. Corruption: a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct. Has Caithe departed from her original form? Yes. Therefore she is corrupted.



Talk about selective reading ignoring the part; "or what is pure or correct" or the definition letter d; "decay, decomposition". But I won't go into definition discussion with you seeing that you are willing to distort the meaning to whatever end. I call that misleading and dishonest.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > Either way it's a corruption because it came from an Elder Dragon because it is established that Elder Dragon corrupts and it doesn't really matter how one perceives it. Their magic corrupts (not just affects) both the body and the mind. That is why what happened to Caithe is not a corruption.

> > > >

> > > > It was already establish way before this that the corruption of the mind that happened to Glint was cleansed by the Forgotten in a ritual. Glint's daughter and son, Aurene/Vlast, had free minds as a result of this. And now Aurene has created cleansed corruption. No definitions have changed.

> > > >

> > > > Second, the immunity to corruption is via the protection of the Dream. That has not changed. Caithe was corrupted because the Dream allowed it. We can only guess why it did. But we have known for a very long time it can decide things on its own. That is how every Sylvari gets its name, and some get Wyld Hunts.

> > > >

> > > > Nothing has changed.

> > >

> > > Do you even read what you post? What the heck is "cleansed corruption"? If it is cleansed, then it's not a corruption. That is a solid evidence in an attempt to change the definition of the word. There is no such thing as "cleansed corruption". This is the problem with what the Dev say, they call what Aurene did as corruption even though the very definition of word is the opposite of what we've observed.

> >

> > If you don't know what it is then you don't have the basic information to be part of this discussion. Go replay the story and then come back.

> >

> > And get a kitten dictionary before you talk about definitions. Corruption: a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct. Has Caithe departed from her original form? Yes. Therefore she is corrupted.

> >


> Talk about selective reading ignoring the part; "or what is pure or correct" or the definition letter d; "decay, decomposition". But I won't go into definition discussion with you seeing that you are willing to distort the meaning to whatever end. I call that misleading and dishonest.


And I call that you're intentionally trolling this discussion. It says OR not AND. And even if it was AND, she isn't pure Sylvari anymore. You claimed they changed the definition of corruption but that usage has existed longer than you have been alive. And if you act like a word has to mean all of its usages at the same time then you're the one being misleading and dishonest.



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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > > Either way it's a corruption because it came from an Elder Dragon because it is established that Elder Dragon corrupts and it doesn't really matter how one perceives it. Their magic corrupts (not just affects) both the body and the mind. That is why what happened to Caithe is not a corruption.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was already establish way before this that the corruption of the mind that happened to Glint was cleansed by the Forgotten in a ritual. Glint's daughter and son, Aurene/Vlast, had free minds as a result of this. And now Aurene has created cleansed corruption. No definitions have changed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second, the immunity to corruption is via the protection of the Dream. That has not changed. Caithe was corrupted because the Dream allowed it. We can only guess why it did. But we have known for a very long time it can decide things on its own. That is how every Sylvari gets its name, and some get Wyld Hunts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nothing has changed.

> > > >

> > > > Do you even read what you post? What the heck is "cleansed corruption"? If it is cleansed, then it's not a corruption. That is a solid evidence in an attempt to change the definition of the word. There is no such thing as "cleansed corruption". This is the problem with what the Dev say, they call what Aurene did as corruption even though the very definition of word is the opposite of what we've observed.

> > >

> > > If you don't know what it is then you don't have the basic information to be part of this discussion. Go replay the story and then come back.

> > >

> > > And get a kitten dictionary before you talk about definitions. Corruption: a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct. Has Caithe departed from her original form? Yes. Therefore she is corrupted.

> > >

> >

> > Talk about selective reading ignoring the part; "or what is pure or correct" or the definition letter d; "decay, decomposition". But I won't go into definition discussion with you seeing that you are willing to distort the meaning to whatever end. I call that misleading and dishonest.


> And I call that you're intentionally trolling this discussion. It says OR not AND. And even if it was AND, she isn't pure Sylvari anymore. You claimed they changed the definition of corruption but that usage has existed longer than you have been alive. And if you act like a word has to mean all of its usages at the same time then you're the one being misleading and dishonest.




Wow, you don't even know how to read definitions. "original", "what is pure", and "what is correct" are interchangeable.


**Reading definition 101:**

Corruption: a departure from the original **OR**

Corruption: a departure from what is pure **OR**

Corruption: a departure from what is correct


I'm done, since now it's apparent where the problem in this discussion is. It wasn't dishonesty, it's pure ignorance.

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I have wondered though ever since the ending of the latest episode if you count the demise of kralk at some point and you add the demise of one more highly powerful entity that its magic disperses. That would be a mystery person, mordy, zhaitan, glint, aurene, vlast, balthazar, kralk, and joko. If season five is about this happening I just wonder about the coincidence of 9 entities and that the game has 9 classes lol. That the death of each of these entities bringing along a new spec for each class. So the commander, taimi, rytlok, braham, rox, marjory, kasmeer, canach, and caithe also 9 entities be part of the legacy to share the magic :) As well as be a way that 9 new specs come out as well. So we will have to see if this just a coincidence or not but all it takes for it to be a card on the table is one entity who has a lot of magic and its a possibility. Plus its the answer to taimi becoming some kind of centaur that can out run the other centaur.

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