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QOL Request: guild permissions enhancements

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Even though there are recurring requests for new guild missions, it is understandable that given other priorities, we're not going to see them for a while (if at all). But in the mean time, could we please have a bit of enhancement to guild permissions?



* Separate the permissions for all 3 parts of the guild bank (Stash, Treasure Trove, Deep Cave) :: *So that we can manage access to shared items better.*

* Move the Consumables->Siege items into War Chest :: *The Siege items are WvW-specific, which is what the War Chest is about*

* Separate/spike-out the permissions for use of the elements in guild storage (Consumables, War Chest, Decorations, Arena) :: *To allow a different subset of guild members to use the different types of items*

* Separate the "use" of placeables that are used in scribing recipes from use of the other consumables in guild storage :: *So that we can decide who can drop banners separately from who can consume decorations in recipes*

* Break out the ability to change the guild mission preference into its own category :: *Mostly to avoid accidents*


In our guild (shameless plug for our guild: [JUGs] - http://jugs-guild.com), we give our members permissions to do most everything and use permissions mostly to avoid accidents. The current organization of the permissions forces us to place more restrictions on our members than we would like, simply to avoid accidents. We don't want to have elaborate policies/procedures or need to do lots of monitoring, so with these few suggested changes in permissions, we will be able to avoid any "big brother" procedures and still avoid accidents. This will give our members lots more freedom and not have to be apprehensive about trying out things for fear of messing something up.

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  • 2 months later...

And please do allow members who have either expansion use our Guild Halls fully. It is such a small change, but would help reduce frustration with new players to the game. The community is constantly redirecting people to use resources there (like the Tavern boosts) which POF players cannot access. By the time most of these players have experienced the stories and want to go back and do HoT, they have grown tired of being unable to access half of the things, and it is making for some sour notes.

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iirc, there was a post that said there was **no dedicated guild content dev team** during PoF, and if any new guild content was to be added to the game, it would likely have to be done by a dev in his own spare time.


A number of larger guilds became more inactive & less "social" last year. They should update the **Guild Commedation vendor** by adding abit more reasonable modern items/gadgets/trinkets/skins (for example) etc that can be bought with commedations, so guilds & members have a reason to do social things & guild missions again. Without these kinds of easy social guild acitivities that everyone can join, alot of guilds seem to become inactive & fall apart. Raiding just isn't casual enough to be used as a social guild activity or for newer players.


So, the entire GW2 population desperately needs a "**hero dev**" that has spare time to update that guild merchant with abit more modern stuffs! Give guilds a reason to be more socially active again! _You can get the awesome title "hero dev" by asking another dev with spare time to implement it for you ;-)_


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  • 11 months later...

> @"Goatjugsoup.8637" said:

> Also one I would add to the list and have asked for previously... ability to kick should be separate from ability to recruit


I agree with you there 100%

I recently had an Officer gone rouge and kicked out 73 members. What a pain in the back side, please fix this ASAP. I don't care for it to happen again. Kicking the twit out that did it was only temporary :#


The ability to have everyone recruit would be nice but I'm not giving everyone that faulty guild command.

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