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Everything posted by hugeboss.5432

  1. **I would do alot more DRMs/Strikes/Raids, if they moved all these small scale instances out into open public maps and converted them into map meta events instead.** (I don't like smallscale instanced content, its doesn't give the "GW2 atmosphere". Every game has smallscale instanced content, and there are much better ones out there for that.)
  2. Disabling mounts/warclaw now after we have had it for so long would be a GW2 community disaster. Players would prolly logoff instead before attempting to run somewhere on foot. Plus, alot of the wvw battle interactions is directly linked to having a mount to get to the objectives before its too late.
  3. The majority of wvw content is provided by the players themselves, and when a team lacks players in a certain timezone, the map dies (becomes stale) by about 33% per team. In the early days, we had huge servers & teams before a server would reach the full status, and lots of servers had a zerg in every timezone, around the clock. Fun good old times. I suspect the servers allowable population was drastically reduced at some point, prolly to address all the angry kids complaining about map queues during primetime, at the cost of killing entire non-prime timezones.
  4. One of the best candidates for this job is likely a longterm hardcore gw2 wvw gamer & forum ~~ranter~~ poster. Now you all have a chance, don't be shy! Apply! Or else they could end up with a noob :)
  5. We have driven these guys away.. the golemancer runes arent really "OP" as game breaking imo. The golems run all over the place, and they seemed to never be where they would be most useful, especially if you have alot of zerg movement going on. It's a pretty good longstanding guild, and they are always really tough opponents no matter what rune they use. The golem portion of the rune is the least of your worries, its more of a threat that maybe 10-20 of them are stacking an "armor slicing" attribute, and thats gonna hurt. I thought the golems brought some fun comedy to the fight, and brought some fun new tactics to think about while fighting them, but they dont drop loot or give xp and thats wut could be fixed :)
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