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Buffs, nerfs, adaptation and enjoyment.


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Imagine if everything was normalised and balanced perfectly.


Yep, you would have quit long ago.


The amount of crying i see on this forum is plain ridiculous.


Diversity in life keeps things interesting.


Enjoy the buffs, learn a new meta, a new role a new build, deal with the nerfs. Adapt and conquer. Have fun doing so.


Anet, please don't listen to whiners. Keep buffing, breaking, changing stuff. Just dont do it too often because most of us enjoy the process.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> what is the "joy" that come from wining a match by 350 to 432 that lasted for 15 minz

> i ll never consider this as a win but an absolute nightmare

> time out will never consider an enjoyably process


That is not at all a typical match. Also, you completely miss the point. If you want to complain about scrapper, there are plenty of other whine threads to do it in.


My point is that what pisses you off now is actually what forces change, and that is a good thing.

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Not really, you can have a balanced game and still have diverse builds, identity and etc. Clearly you never played in pre-HoT 2015, they could've made elite specs legitimate horizontal progression and people would still be playing.


And since you're saying "people will quit if the balance is good," want to account for the people who quit/charged back when they say how bad HoT was?


Seriously that type of logic makes you a suck-up, and if you were the only type of people around the airplane probably would not have been invented.

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This is wrong. Balance is not the same thing as change. You can have change (new classes, under-performing things being worked, new maps and game modes) without sacrificing balance.


The problem isn't really JUST poor balance. There are three major problems right now that could easily be addressed (assuming that Anet cares to put the resources toward it).


1. Lack of communication

2. No PTR (coupled with no communication makes for a bad sitch)

3. Too long of gaps between balance patches AND rarely ever a "corrective" patch after a big balance patch to fix the stuff they didn't foresee (because no PTR)


As you can see, these issues all conflate each other.


I would personally add a 4th problem: not enough diversity in game modes! Having just one game mode makes balance much harder. The best side-noder will always be the best side-noder, the best support will always be the best support, and bunkers will always have a place. Instead of having conquest as their team-based "arena" (using WoW parlance) and then a hodgepodge of "random battlegrounds" with different modes for a more casual/grind/fun/solo-or-group experience -- which would allow a bunch of different "metas" to thrive, thus equalizing balance a bit more -- we have one single game mode and one single meta. Just bad design.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Where was "the adapt and conquer" and "don't listen to whiners" when was mirage the one getting gutted?


> Man, you are a broken record.


Just pointing the hypocrisy. If the hat fits you not my problem.


> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Where was "the adapt and conquer" and "don't listen to whiners" when was mirage the one getting gutted?


> Mirage got gutted? When did this happen?


> Also, can we „break“ (overbuff) berserker next?


> Thanks!


If you weren't such a delayed reactions guy you would know.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Where was "the adapt and conquer" and "don't listen to whiners" when was mirage the one getting gutted?

> >

> > Man, you are a broken record.


> Just pointing the hypocrisy. If the hat fits you not my problem.


It's funny you call it "hypocrisy" when you chose to ignore any form of critique regarding the spec....even when the critique was (in some cases) warranted.

Thats not hypocrisy on my part, it is ignorance and bias on yours.

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> Imagine if everything was normalised and balanced perfectly.


> Yep, you would have quit long ago.


> The amount of crying i see on this forum is plain ridiculous.


> Diversity in life keeps things interesting.


> Enjoy the buffs, learn a new meta, a new role a new build, deal with the nerfs. Adapt and conquer. Have fun doing so.


> Anet, please don't listen to whiners. Keep buffing, breaking, changing stuff. Just dont do it too often because most of us enjoy the process.


Most experienced players can play multiple classes, but are typically really good on 2-3 builds and normally specialize in one class. So let’s say I play builds A and B. If the builds nerfed or not, are still competitive I will manage. If they are nerfed that they can no longer compete, I will probably switch to another build in my main class, to the extent I can tolerate it. If I do not, adapting here typically means quitting the game all together.


Any game that there is heavy avatar customization, an unmeasured nerf can easily result in the players leaving the game.



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It doesn't have to be perfectly balanced to be fun, past seasons have proven that. It cannot be terribly imbalanced and still be fun. That's why people are upset on such a large scale.


And, maybe I don't speak for everyone here, but i'm not about to start praising anyone for Diversity when the game has been restricted to a singular gamemode for what has been pretty much all of time, and took nearly 2 years to get a new map & new content added to it.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Where was "the adapt and conquer" and "don't listen to whiners" when was mirage the one getting gutted?

> >

> > Man, you are a broken record.


> Just pointing the hypocrisy. If the hat fits you not my problem.


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Where was "the adapt and conquer" and "don't listen to whiners" when was mirage the one getting gutted?

> >

> > Mirage got gutted? When did this happen?

> >

> > Also, can we „break“ (overbuff) berserker next?

> >

> > Thanks!


> If you weren't such a delayed reactions guy you would know.


„Delayed reactions guy“ must be the funniest insult i ever got.


Made me smile.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Not really, you can have a balanced game and still have diverse builds, identity and etc. Clearly you never played in pre-HoT 2015, they could've made elite specs legitimate horizontal progression and people would still be playing.


> And since you're saying "people will quit if the balance is good," want to account for the people who quit/charged back when they say how bad HoT was?


> Seriously that type of logic makes you a suck-up, and if you were the only type of people around the airplane probably would not have been invented.


'suck up'

'people like you'


You know absolutely nothing about me. Aeroplanes...? ? Don't trigger my inner hippy, please!


On topic, why would i give a monkey's what the game was like pre 2015? I wasn't playing it because i didn't enjoy it. I'm enjoying it now.


And yes, people would quit if balance remained static, because it would be boring.


Read the same book every week and even if you love it, you'll get bored. It doesn't take logic to understand that.

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