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Eaters of Souls i find super easy to beat.


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i have seen people talking about how hard it is to kill the eaters of souls in PoF story, i found it fairly easy on my condi ranger.


i did though have trouble beating it on my mesmer, but below is a link to my ranger killing it.


[https://youtube.com/watch?v=mkEgYKzWc8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkEgYKzWc8w "https://youtube.com/watch?v=mkEgYKzWc8w")



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Didn't know what the fight was and for once I was ahead of the story/curve in the big picture. So...it was difficult for my build and limited knowledge. In fact, it took a couple hours sad to say. To complicate matters I typically don't PvE so didn't have portal merchants or whatever for stuff I was missing or possible repair canisters. So yeah, bad experience for me. Having said that I'll also admit that I tripped him up on Joko's chains and let my pet kill him. I figured I gave it enough of an effort and that was my only option.

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A guildie had a lot of trouble taking care of the Eater of Souls with her scourge (not fully geared though) - hadn't fought the EoS yet, was expecting a challenging fight,


I took care of it with no problem at all, not sure if his attack patterns were bugged!



+ D/T + Shortbow

+ Skirmishing, Wilderness Survival, Soulbeast

+ Pets were mosst likely Iboga and Jacaranda, but camped on Iboga


I was in melee mode for 95% of the fight, using Viper's Nest and was ready to use Spike Trap for CC (and Shortbow [5]) but I never had to use any CC during the entire fight?

I think at one point he used some fear on me on which I used Dolyak stance, but he melted reaaally easily (All that on Celestial Gear, ha!)

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I don't know if he was bugged or what, but he totally ignored my CC to break bar no matter whether it was knock back, hilt bash, or pet taunt and wound up healing to full every time for about 20 solid minutes. Finally just trapped him in some terrain and let my pet eat him. Seems super buggy across the board.

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We also had no idea it was a problem until after we had finished the story.

I entered the story on a full zerker Dragonhunter with my husband, who was a soulbeast but became a wisp. We had no problems with this fight, the EoS just melted on traps and I used sceptre/torch and Greatsword. I was running a raid build (which I used for the entire story and completing all zones, as it seemed very effective from the beginning.) and Stand Your Ground, Procession of Blades, Test of Faith, and Dragon's Maw.


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