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WvW population


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My last post got closed for being a matchup post, even though it was unintentionally a LFG post I guess...


It made me think about some of the problems in WvW, specifically with full servers and their bandwagons. Perhaps Anet could remove all the full servers from the server linkup process?


I mean think about it like this. If a server is full, then you would want to allow natural population decay, and a good way to do that would be to prevent people bandwagoning with it.


This would open full servers, and at the same time boost and help link only the lower pop realms. But idk seems logic. What are your thoughts?


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Don't know about you, but now that the rush for the mount is done WvW feels emptier than before it landed. We might have lost a lot of the PvE crowd, but to me -at least when I've been in over the course of this week- it feels as though we might have lost many of the regulars as well, because before, even when the borderlands have been free to swap between there's been a queue on Eternal Battlegrounds.


Over the last few days in particular there's been no queue on EB and the borderlands themselves have felt deserted. Hope it's just me, that if anything it's only a bit of temporary burnout for some players, and that people come back.

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It's almost impossible to find a player in WvW without a mount now. Ever wondered where all those players without PoF expansion went?


Let's face it, the mount is offering advantages if players have been following on how it can be used. It's more apparent in small scale which also means it exist in big scales fight altogether (not sure why players are trying single out the issues into roaming etc).

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> All the problems we faced could have been minimized but as we all should know, anet divert much resources for unrelated projects therefore progress in gw2 has significantly slowed. This development speed is not keeping up with the players' needs.


This is a HUGE problem imo. Hire new people for new projects. Don't hamper your mainstay for something that may or may not pan out. Poor decision making process.

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