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Just did Cairn with a mirage and wanted to change to a new con dps


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With Vale guardian, playing mirage is always (when your one of the 2 condition dps)

But I still feel that mirage axe ability one is very annoying skill that forces you forward in a stuck animation

And with cairn when you have to stand in the green spots, how do you attack with autos?


After failing a Cairn raid I got fed up with with playing mirage for raiding

Anyone got any advice what the second best condition dps is?

Or tips on how to make playing mirage?

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You could also play the scepter shatter mirage instead of the axe version (just click on scepter button https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmer/mirage/condition/). I don't know where things stand after the latest balance patch, but I can report the information on the page as it is now. Notice in the rotation section it says the axe build should be able to keep up 26 confusion and 50 torment, while the scepter build should be 35 confusion and 20-22 torment. So the scepter build keeps up more confusion and less torment. Is that good or bad? Well it depends on the boss. Personally I just play the scepter build everywhere I play mirage because I hate the axe build.


One important thing, the scepter build absolutely needs shatters to work. So if your trying to play the lazy mirage axe build (no shattering), scepter isn't really an option.

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Condition renegade is one of the highest complexity DPS specs in the game, so unless you're the sort of player that also thrives playing ele and condi engineer, I'd stick to mirage or even condi firebrand/soulbeast (both have really easy rotations and do competitive DPS, firebrand is great because the condi damage is very frontloaded since most of it is burning).

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Skipping one or two AA chains on carin will not make a 25k DPS difference, as others said you can use ambush/shater/phantasm to do damage, rotations on golem and in real raids especially in pugs/less tryhard groups are very different, so for example following a mirage rotation step by step in a 300li pug group will actually be worse than just doing nothing when you go for greens and resetting your rota

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just because a build isn't on SC, doesn't means it's not an option. Vale Guardian and Cairn don't really have DPS checks so just play whatever you want. As long as you don't die and you do 12k+ damage, you should be fine. Maybe post some logs if you want direct feedback on gameplay?


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An raid boss like Largos would still require a Axe I presume?

Did a Largos training with Scepter and the only times I really died was when I got trapped in a water hurricane tidal wave push combo that insta killed me

We didnt manage to defeat the boss sadly because people died to much but we almost managed it with a portal strat

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this thread is a bit old, but if you use jaunt immediately after pressing axe 2 your character will just do the axe attack in place without moving forward. Granted this isn't going to be a perfect fix for your issue as the axe 2 cd is much shorter than jaunt, but it can definitely help to some extent.

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