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Adding mounts to sPvP


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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> grind pve

No i meant mounts unlock in sPvP instantly on purchase of PoF same as HoT elite specs unlock without a PvE grind.

> @choovanski.5462 said:

> i’m rather happy not having to pay €30 to keep up with rotations

Having to buy Revenant and HoT elite specs for sPvP is okay so buying mounts by the same logic is okay as well.

> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> OP, some of the balance, such as it is, comes from classes being slightly more mobile than others. Mounts would destroy that and throw things out of whack.

Yes it will destroy some drilled habits but whether this is a good thing or bad is up to discussion.

> @SilentSam.1589 said:

> pvp maps are not large enough to support the use of mounts

Last time i played Legacy of Foefire and Colosseum i remember a lot of running from point to point. And your argument is formulated incorrectly because mount can be used no matter the distance thus "support" should be replaced with "require".



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> @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > i’m rather happy not having to pay €30 to keep up with rotations

> Having to buy Revenant and HoT elite specs for sPvP is okay so buying mounts by the same logic is okay as well.


dude. its not the same.


firstly, some classes like guardian (radiant hammer) can do perfectly well without either expansion. so an expansion is not required to do fine in pvp. you don’t need an expansion to do well.


secondly, currently you can play specs from either PoF or HoT & be fine. i just have HoT & i do fine. i’m not penalised for not buying PoF. you are proposing making PoF & only PoF mandatory.


the change you propose makes PoF essential for pvp, because there is no way to keep up with people rotating on mounts. so even if you just want to play radiant hammer, or druid you have to spend €30 to keep up with rotations. now i’m not one to cry P2W, but that seems awfully P2W to me. at minimum, it’s putting being competitive behind a €30 paywall.


so, not even mentioning the balance issues this would cause, it’s obviously a pretty terrible idea.


yeah, still not keen to pay €30 to keep up with rotations

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> You laugh but i am afraid that we are going to see some other moba try. This time with mounts.




Heroes of the Storm already uses mounts. Difference is, they actually have balanced objective-based gameplay, actual split between Solo/Duo, a working matchmaking system, and barely is considered called a MOBA... Okay, I see what you mean...Carry on.

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> @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> would equalize all professions in terms of an out-of-combat mobility and disengage


Sure, fantastic idea. But obviously classes like thief that is balanced around mobility with the trade-off of being squishy can't have that trade-off anymore. Can't wait to play my bunker one-shotting thief! Your idea can't possibly be bad. /s


Do you not realise that out of combat mobility is a big part of some classes? Removing that removes several classes from sPvP. They need compensation, but since you can't do that in out of combat mobility (since you equalize it) it has to be IN combat. This means classes like thief becomes grossly overpowered.


And that's not even talking about the fact that the maps are currently so small that it would completely break the gamemode.



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It's fine in the open world where it doesn't really matter how fast you get somewhere, and in that area of the game I really like that my necromancer no longer has to plod along behind everyone else.


However, out of combat mobility is important in sPvP, and giving everyone mounts would require a re-balance of literally everything in that game mode. I don't often say that, but yes. LITERALLY. EVERYTHING. It would probably remove part of pvp that some enjoy, too. I LIKE that my thief is squishy in combat, but can rotate really fast. It adds some variety and depth to the game. Giving all classes the same out of combat mobility would, I think, have things bordering on 'all the classes feel the same' if a rebalance did occur.


Because of the above - no.

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> @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> would equalize all professions in terms of an out-of-combat mobility and disengage

> and incite sPvP players to buy PoF same as elite specs and Revenant incite them now to buy HoT.


Your reasoning is wrong.

Ther's a reason why gliders are not allowed in PvP and mounts have to not be implemented too.

The combat/non combat isn't the problem but the map terrian.


Why players should depend on factor outside of maps mechanics and personal skill?

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