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Why Harrier Scourge?


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Last night a guildie told me during Matthias he felt like my barrier output was too low, and was asking about my build. I run the SC Marshal/Shaman hybrid, and he suggested running Harrier's instead. But like, as far as I can tell, the SC build has considerably more healing power? And isn't concentration wasted on a scourge anyway?


Honestly I think I was just fatigued and not familiar enough with Matthias, not dropping the barriers in time for big hits. It just doesn't make sense to me that Harrier's should be better. Is there something I'm missing?

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Harrier would not be a good choice. Presumably he's just associating harrier with healing gear because that's what you use on druids for heal builds. If you wanted to go even more heal-oriented on a scourge, you'd swap to magi gear instead of marshal/shaman.

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Harriers is good on Chrono, Firebrand, or Druid supports because they output a lot of boons that you want to keep up. To say that because strong support set X is good on class A,B,and C, so it also will be on D is a fallacy. Scourge, due to not putting out much in the way of boons, gets much more benefit out of raw healing power and vitality investment in a supporting role.

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Harrier for scourge would only make sense if your condi to boon conversion or your barrier worked with boon duration. Even then, you already have enough barrier to keep it capped most of the time so you dont actually need it. I believe working on mechanics would be a better solution for your group than you revising your heal gear ^^ There are a lot of big hits at matthias and all of them are avoidable. Your barrier and condi conversion only help preventing the general condi pressure of that fight.

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I don't know why people are so fixated on having high amounts of health on support scourge.

You absolutely don't need it!


I play magi scourge in some situations, other stats in other situations. But more than 28k health isn't needed.

I'm always at full lifeforce even though I almost spam all those f-abilities.


And I only use dessicate + weapon of generators + signet of undeath.


But: in soulreaping every build is playing vital persistence. And I don't know why. Playing fear of death will give you f4 for free, which is a huge amount of lifeforce you will save there.


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