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Flexible and viable power class to roll with.


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I am a semi casual player that does not want to sink alot of time into getting Vipers gear. I am looking for a Class that is not overly complicated, power based and will getting though most content with out having to switch gear. I tend to solo alot and when I WvW I tend to roam. Having viable range and melee options is perfered. I also like to focus more on the battle then on what button I need to press. Heavy armour is preferable (as I think it looks the best). Also I don't like overly flashy effects and prefer 1 big number over lots of little ones. Any Ideas on what would be good?

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i would bring up Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker and DH to the Table. I play both of them with powerspecs in openworld mostly. DH brings an insane burst with it but you have to use your dodges/blinds/aegis on the rigth moment or you dying pretty fast. Some DH builds feels like really static because of your bufffields. Had no real problems in the PoF/HoT story and completing maps, but sometimes if you are on cd and a new group of mobs engaging you directly it can be getting tricky to survive.


The Warrior is atm my favourite powerspec as Spellbreaker. You can build an very surviable spec around Strength/Spellbreaker/Arms or Defense. Healing per migth wich you stacks, sun and moon, adrenal health gives you an crazy amount of heals over time. The DPS are lower than an full on DPS focused spec but you can solo erverything. For open world the dmg is high enough and for story too. I played the complete PoF story as Spellbreaker and only got one death by Beast of War because i were feared into the firewall it was even easier than my necro minionmaster. Also Powerberzerker is fun to play, and Signetcorewarrior is a solid spec too. The Metadust hasn't be settled now but notice you could be forced to play Migth/Phalanxstrength for T4 fractals and raids.


An other good thing on these both classes is, if you want later on to play a condispec they have both pretty good options to do this.

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For PvE, as long as you don't want to join elitist T4 / Raid group, most of classes have good power build. The three heavy armor classes have decent options for power.


- Warrior: straightforward (mechanics are really easy to understand / use), big hp pool and a few good skills for survival, mainly by blocking, not flashy at all. Probably your best bet considering your requirements. Biggest issue is that the range options aren't so good. Spellbreaker will be your option for WvW, berserker for PvE.

- Guardian: the paladin. Small HP pool but many skills to blind your opponent / nullify their attacks / reflect projectiles / etc. Much more dynamic compared to warrior, since you really need to use your active defense. Can be quite flashy with all the holy burning skills. Range options are good (scepters can immobilize + provide good damage, longbow is a bit disappointing).

- Renegade: the dark knight: medium hp pool, you may have to change your build frequently (using the dwarf legend when needed lot of stability, the demon stance when dealing with condis, herald for buffing your group, etc.) Good range option with the hammer. The most flashy of all.

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> @"green plum.7514" said:

> How about reaper? > @Totalkill.8014 said:

> > Just to let people know, I have a reaper, Daredevil druid and have complete HOT and PoF main storyline with Reaper.


> If you are talking about a straightforward power profession for open world, I think you can hardly do better than Reaper tbh...

I know that but I wanted a different play style.


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If you like Reaper, I think the only other thing that will come close is a berserker. A+Sh/GS, defense/discipline/berserker. Massive sustain, tons of cc, and big numbers- not Gravedigger big, but big.


DH brings the damage and is much better at range, but you'll feel super squishy after reaper. That said, hammer, GS, and lb are all solid kits and you can bring some serious damage.


Herald is okay but the profession is kind of a mess and the melee options don't really excite me. Staff is a weird peer support hybrid and sword is more thief-y than warrior-y.


Scrapper is great, but got nerfed hard around a year ago and is still struggling to recover. The damage is pretty lacking now.


SB has some potential, I played mine through the PoF storyline, but the pre release GS nerf left it is kind of sad shape and honestly you will find yourself working twice as hard to achieve half the results you'd get on reaper. I shelved him as soon as I finished the story and will see what the balance pass brings.


I don't think thief or mes will appeal. Tempest is actually a pretty bombastic, flashy profession, but it definitely relies heavily on active defenses and winds up pretty monumentally squishy.


My vote, though, is to stick with the Reaper. Once you go black you can't go back. Check out the Armor of Koda set if you want to look like you're in heavy.

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