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The new Branded Wings/Glider combo is different than the Holographic Shattered Dragon Wings. Many have had the latter for four years now, so I see no need for compensation.


A better complaint would've been comparing the Holographic Shattered Dragon Wings with the Crystalline Dragon Wings/Glider combo.




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I have both types of holographic wings and I use them regularly. My main character is using the shattered holographic wings right now, after I switched back to my favourite look for her when PoF released.


Firstly I see very little similarity between them and the new gem store wings. The new ones are a different colour, different shape and with different effects to the holo wings. They're basically a re-colour of the Crystalline Dragon Wings. The only way I could see someone confusing the two is if they'd heard about both types but never seen them before.


Secondly even if the holo wings were made available again why would that be a bad thing? Ok it would be lame if they were in the gem store and new players had to pay for them instead of getting them free (although they already can pay for the regular holo wings - 66g on the TP), but there's nothing wrong with other people having them.


Finally I agree that a glider version of the holo wings would be amazing, although it would be one of the smallest gliders in the game (not necessarily a bad thing), but then they really would have to add a way for everyone to get them.

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