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Is Ele casting speed too slow?


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Only a few skills most of the skills are fine

Most of the skills people are calling out here deal tons of damage and would be insane to speed up or make instant.


About the only weapon that needs speed increase would be the warhorn its generally overall just a bit too slow but not that much.

Maybe a few staff skills but not many of them.. oddly enough i dont think a fireball that can hit 2-5k should have its cast time lowered... even more so when it has aoe splash on hit. I think maybe the auto attack **projectiles themselves** should be a bit faster but not their cast times lowered. Meteor shower maybe should no longer root the caster but should not be sped up.


I have a feeling the reason why meteor shower roots the caster is so that a person cannot cast it at max range and move even farther away (out of its range limit) or behind line of sight obstructions while continuing to channel as this would mechanically be broken so that means to allow movement here would have to put a few extra codes in place to make sure players couldnt do those things.


Dagger skills no, they are all pretty fast (Except earth 5 i feel like maybe landing earth 4 should grant a few seconds of quickness so that you could combo into skill 5 and that problem would be solved.)

Scepter skills are mostly good, the only one that needs a minior speed up is the dropping of dragons tooth (not the cast time) just the time it takes for the object to drop.

Sword skills are fine imo if sword was faster than dagger i would have an issue with that. Sword also has auto chains where as dagger and scepters do not.


Very few thins on ele feel necro level slow so i would say its mostly in a good spot.


Ideally most skills dont need a cast time decrease and the few special cases should be made so that working to combo into them allows them to be done faster like my earth dagger 4 into 5 skill example above.


But no ele has the damage, hard active defenses, and mobility. It certainly should not be getting just faster skills for free as most of them are fast enough as is.

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