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Remove mount stomp


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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > No. This mount stomp is liked a milder and fun version of no down state, which many here has been asking for ever since ANet started it in an event. Enough fun and useful skills on the mount have been removed already. Please ANet.


> No. The only ones asking for no down state are players of low skill level who either outnumber fights to win (warclaw stomp) or run some instagib build. There is nothing positive for the game to be gained when having a nice fight with downs on each side and having to use your brain to win the fight but having some plebian come along and press 1 on his mount to instakill.


> Down state adds another element to combat in which you can tell the difference between bad players and good players. Good players will use the down as bait to create opposing downs and then the fight really heats up. Know the guard is going to MI? Launch the down. Etc. But no - lets's just let some random pleb come along and quickness-on-steroids-stomp AKA warbanner on auto attack completely disrupt the fight to the point of no return. Yeah, that'll be good for the game /s


> My friends and I always fight against more players then we have, so what happens 99% of the time now since they have more players? We lose if _one_ of our players _ever_ goes down. That's how you kill a game mode. Better believe it - players will leave GW2 the day something better comes along. Too many hits to roaming (marked, mount stomp now).


> (Inb4 fighting against a dozen lesser skilled players with a few skilled players does not equal skill and that only 1v1 equates to skill)


Yep 100% this. Only the true scrubs want "perma no-downstate week." Downstate is a mechanic that adds complexity and like you said, helps determine good players from bad players.

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