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Mount bug in PoF, Beast of War story (workaround, but please fix!)

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Once hit by Kralkatorric's crystals, character becomes stuck on mount. Mount skills do not work, and animation only slides along the ground. Character skills are usable though mounted, and it is impossible to dismount. Requires a total restart of the story, dying and resuming at a checkpoint does not fix it. Apparently the same is happening in Bitterfrost Frontier as well. http://i68.tinypic.com/r0dt2x.jpg


EDIT: There is a workaround, at least, for people wanting to progress. If you keybind a mount (bind mount/dismount of any mount to a hot key), then you can use that key to dismount and mount up again, and all will be normal. Still, this is a very game breaking bug. Apparently happening in Bitterfrost and Bloodstone Fen as well.

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I submitted a bug report in game, but if everyone else does as well, it will give ANet additional diagnostic info. So hopefully they can fix it sooner rather than later. Apparently in Bitterfrost, if you swap mounts using a keybind it will fix it. I may try that later tonight and see if it works in the story as well.

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I've run this twice, and each time, I have been hit by a crystal as I approach the battle on the other side. My hotbar reverts to its unmounted state, except that the dismount button is present, not a mount button. Movement is slow, and the mount doesn't animate. Can't dismount. I use mouse 3 to mount/dismount, but neither clicking the button nor using M3 worked. Jumping into the chasm and restarting at checkpoint doesn't fix it. I might try the workaround, but I think I'll just do something else until this is fixed.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> Ran it on another character and did get hit. The keybind mount solution is a workaround, at least.

I had so much trouble with Beast of War the first time I tried it that I set it aside to work on getting better with my skills and movement controls. I skipped ahead to LS 4 but I need to finish this one to complete PoF and unlock the griffon stuff.


I'm not sure I understand what exactly you mean by the keybind mount solution...do I need to set each individual mount to have its own mount and dismount key? So 10 different binds in total? (I don't have the beetle yet). Thanks, sorry to seem dense about this :)


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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > Ran it on another character and did get hit. The keybind mount solution is a workaround, at least.

> I had so much trouble with Beast of War the first time I tried it that I set it aside to work on getting better with my skills and movement controls. I skipped ahead to LS 4 but I need to finish this one to complete PoF and unlock the griffon stuff.


> I'm not sure I understand what exactly you mean by the keybind mount solution...do I need to set each individual mount to have its own mount and dismount key? So 10 different binds in total? (I don't have the beetle yet). Thanks, sorry to seem dense about this :)



Yes, set each mount to a separate key. If you have a number pad on your keyboard, it will accept those as separate from the usual skill slot numbers. It will say (NUM) 1, etc. Those keys will work for mounting and dismounting, so if you get stuck, dismount with the num key and remount again.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > > Ran it on another character and did get hit. The keybind mount solution is a workaround, at least.

> > I had so much trouble with Beast of War the first time I tried it that I set it aside to work on getting better with my skills and movement controls. I skipped ahead to LS 4 but I need to finish this one to complete PoF and unlock the griffon stuff.

> >

> > I'm not sure I understand what exactly you mean by the keybind mount solution...do I need to set each individual mount to have its own mount and dismount key? So 10 different binds in total? (I don't have the beetle yet). Thanks, sorry to seem dense about this :)

> >


> Yes, set each mount to a separate key. If you have a number pad on your keyboard, it will accept those as separate from the usual skill slot numbers. It will say (NUM) 1, etc. Those keys will work for mounting and dismounting, so if you get stuck, dismount with the num key and remount again.


Thanks! If it's not fixed by the time I get back to it, I'll try this. :)

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Still getting this bug as well. Just tried the story with my family and yep, as soon as I got hit by a crystal, mount bugged up and froze and couldn't continue the story. Getting ready to try it again, and will try the suggestion for the keybinds to see if it works. Still, this needs to be fixed. This is rather game breaking to prevent you from continuing the story because of this bug.

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Still bugged! This is why I HATE doing story, once you hit a bug like this you can't progress, you can't save just before the point you know it will bug out, you have to keep redoing the same unskippable dialogue, same fights, same bs without know if this time it will be fixed. Thanks for the fix whoeverxwins.1279whoeverxwins.1279

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I have another mount bug but this is not in story.

When on griffin and landing, i dismount but my skill bar has mount skills showing.

I can only use those mount skills, no weapons skills while having them equiped.

Dismount doesn't work. Only thing to do is swap map.

This happened on a Shatterer map.

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