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Unidentified Gear: Data on Salvaging RARE versus Identifying in the Post Magic Find World

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@"Wanze.8410" posting as [u/rude_asura](https://old.reddit.com/user/rude_asura) has provided us with new data on RARE UnID gear (i.e. um, rare), taken since the patch. All quoted material is from the original post at:

> https://redd.it/b6b10n

> [Data](https://imgur.com/gallery/H9U4Rpm)

See also:

* [Data for Greens](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72364/unidentified-gear-data-on-salvaging-green-versus-identifying-in-the-post-magic-find-world)

* [Data for Blues](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72519/unidentified-gear-data-on-salvaging-blue-versus-identifying-in-the-post-magic-find-world#first)


> **TL/DR**


> * When salvaging Rare Unidentified Gear directly, use a Silver Fed, Mystic or Masterwork Salvage-Kit-O-Matico because ectos and economy

> * Identify your Rare Unidentified Gear before salvaging with Runecrafter, Silver Fed, Mystic or Masterwork Salvage-Kit-O-Matico for even more for best value and chance of shiny precursor



**Gory Details from Wanze:**

>! > Yesterday I had a closer look at salvage results for different breakdown methods of green unidentified gear and today I found a few thousand rare unid gear in one of my vaults, so I thought I check their new droprates as well.

>! >

>! > One conclusion I made from my sample of green unids yesterday was that the salvage kit rarity doesnt matter, if you salvage your unids directly. So initially, I wanted to make 3 samples of 1k rare unids each, one salvaged directly with CFSOM (as it has the cheapest salvage costs), one batch of 1k identified and then salvaged with SFSOM and one salvaged with the RCSOM.

>! >

>! > I also was expecting that salvaging directly would yield the least profit of these 3 methods, which was the main reason why I didnt plan on salvaging directly with all three kits again.

>! >

>! > However, after salvaging my first stack of rare unids with the CFSOM, I thought, what the heck, l will just use a different salvage kit for the first 3 stacks and double check. When I was done salvaging one stack each and comparing the results, I saw that the stack from the RCSOM yielded quite a bit more ectos than the CFSOM and quite a bit less ectos than the SFSOM.

>! >

>! > The RCSOM also dropped me a Charm, which the other two kits didnt, so I decided to enlarge the sample size and salvage 1k with each salvage kit and [here are the results](https://imgur.com/gallery/H9U4Rpm)

>! >

>! > . Upper bank tab are the results from CFSOM (~15.6s per rare unid), middle is RCSOM (17.7s) and bottom tab is SFSOM (19.3s).

>! >

>! > You can see that even after deducting the respective salvage costs of 30s for CF, 3g for RC and 6g for SF, there is roughly a 10% value difference between the three kits.

>! >

>! > This of course is due to the different ecto droprate, which in my samples is pretty close to 70% for CFSOM, 80% for RCSOM and 90% for SFSOM as ectos also make up around 80-90% of the total salvage value.

>! >

>! > Its also plausible that the RCSOM may have a bigger droprate for charms and symbols but to make an educated guess, my sample size is just too small. It doesnt really matter anyways since their droprate is so abysmal and their value contributes so little to the total value compared to ectos, that charms and symbols must either get insanely expensive or ectos dirt cheap before it would make the RCSOM the superior choice when salvaging rare unids directly.

>! >

>! > And since salvaging directly is probably not the most profitable method to break down rare unids anyways, this finer research would hardly matter.

>! >

>! > I will ID 2k rare unids next and will salvage the results with RCSOM and SFSOM but thought I put my findings about direct salvage out there first as it may take another couple of hours.

>! >

>! > Edit:

>! >

>! > [Here are my results](https://imgur.com/a/etzq9YF)

>! >

>! > for identifying and then salvaging 1k rare unids with RCSOM (upper two bank tabs) and with SFSOM (lower two bank tabs).

>! >

>! > Both methods seem to yield another 10% more value than salvaging rare unid gear directly with the SFSOM and you also get a chance to drop a precursor (which didnt for me). But based on my loot table, I couldnt really tell you, if the RC or SFSOM is better, its just so close together. SF seems to yield a bit more ectos and the RC seems to yield a bit more charms and symbols.


The usual caveats apply: the market is in flux, a couple of the 'right' exotics will drastically change the value for anyone, and 1000 samples isn't really enough for reliable stats (it's just better than no data). Plus, I'm not 100% sure whether @"Wanze.8410" deducted sal costs from the totals mentioned (the text isn't explicit; the "within 10%" comment doesn't make sense if he did deduct tho, so I've assumed he hadn't).



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To make it easier to compare results, these are the WTS (lowest sale offer) values for unID gear (this takes Wanze's numbers, and deducts the cost of salvage; see above for why)

* Market Value: 21.95s each = 54.9g per stack

* Copper-Fed: 15.3s each = 38.2g per stack

* Runecrafter's: 17.4s each = 43.5g per stack

* Silver-Fed: 18.7 each = 46.8g per stack

* **ID then Runecrafter: 22.2s each = 55.5g per stack**

* **ID then Silver-Fed: 21.5s each = 53.8g/stack**


In terms you can use:

* Selling the rare unID is reasonable _in the current market_.

* If you don't sell, definitely ID first. Then use either Runecrafter or Silver-Fed on the rares (and of course, Mystic is better still, if you have the mystic stones), selling the exotics.


Mileage will vary based on how many & which exotics you get.

And finally, the market is in flux. The price of ecto is volatile and the faucet for it was nerfed severely. The conclusions & numbers here will **not** be the same in 6 months, probably not even next month.

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