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Is multiboxing allowed in SAB normal mode?

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But you can be actively playing of all the accounts at the same time (clicking on a skill at the same time without macro) so you're being afk (given that auto attack isn't consider as being active). Using alt tab means you'll be afk for few seconds on atleast one account which means you're playing against the TOS.


From what I understand, you can launch multiple accounts but can't play with them without being banned in the future.

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> @"Arya.3841" said:

> Using alt tab means you'll be afk for few seconds on atleast one account which means you're playing against the TOS.

No, that's not what alt-tabbing means in terms of the ToS.



> From what I understand, you can launch multiple accounts but can't play with them without being banned in the future.

ANet is well aware that people play on multiple accounts simultaneously; they don't have a problem with it.

(The people who have been suspended have been doing other things, while claiming to be merely alt-tabbing.)


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This is how i have my clients setup when i play, 3 clients on each monitor in window mode so i can drag the clients smaller. This way i can drag my mouse across all clients activating whatever skill i want. Also makes it easy to traverse the world using autorun beacuse i see all the surroundings of the clients. https://prnt.sc/n4kmio


I dont use macros and i play on a 2 buttom scrollwheel mouse.


This way i dont have to tab between clients.


1. I see all chats of all clients


2. I am aware of the surroundings of all accounts.


3. I can easily manouvre the accounts using autorun


4. It doesnt even take a second to move my mouse over to the other client


I get called a bot all the time, but the reality is i dont have any programs installed other then launchbuddy to open my accounts and nothing on my accounts is being automated by third party programs or macros.

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