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Which Race would you like to see in Next Xpac

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The only new playable race that i evern want to see added, is the Tengu, and i think this is already workload enough in regard of costs, ressources, time needed to make, animations ect. pp and the Terngu are from the design process the only non playable race, which has gotten so far, that they were even considered to be playable and fulfill therefore everything ,that a playable race needs to have..


Largos, as much as i would loved them to be playable and as much as they would have made sense to fil lthe game of the aquatic/amphibic intelligent race, I do agree, the stupid ugly gemstore Largos Wings practically destreoyed the dream bubble of ever gettign playable Largos, unless Anet renames these Wings and hopefulyl like i propose, completely redesigns the Largos race, cause these stupid stiff wings were always from begin on the biggest problem with this race to begin with...

But unless anet doesn#t make changes in that direction, they are officially now off the table, cause addign them now makes that way no sense anymore...


Any other stuff listed up there is garbage, that makes no sense...

Dwarves don't exist anymore and addign them woudl turn GW2 only into a class MMORPG clone, what comes next then please? Elves of a billion types? Like in every other typical 0815 MMORPG? Let this borign race finally rest forever in their eternal grave against Primordus, Ogden is the only still living Stone Dwarf and so should it stay, they are only relevant for the story telling, same as much as like Jotuns, Grawl ,Quaggan, Kodan, Skritt and any other undeveloped/inferior race in Tyria.


The Tengu are also the only potential playable race, which has its hometown also in the near of Starter Zone Maps, so that you could play with them simpyl the same Personal Story, like all other races, if Anet just implements as new map the Dominion of the Wind/Sanctum Cay (Home Town), which is directly east of the Sylvari Starter Map.

The Tengu is also the only race, which ANet could potentially greatly incorporate as a new Feature that is also very story relevent, for when we should ever return to Cantha, because the Tengus originate from there and had to fled from there, cause within the last 250 years, Anet turned Canthas Emperor their into a human imperium similar to a German Nazi Regime, which forced all races, that aren't humans out of Cantha - so to speak is basically Cantha by now the biggest human race bastion of whole Tyria, where everywhere else in tyria the human race has massively decreased in numbers, compared to 250 years ago, where basicalyl the humans reigned over Tyria as the strongest race of all, where they were still in war with the Charr over their homelands, cause Ascalon was basically never homeland of the humans, it belonged originally to the Charr, but it was taken by the humans, which is why the Charr brought up the searing with the help of the titans to reclaim back their homelands and destroy Ascalon to force the humans to flee from there back to Kryta.


If we swear the Tengu to make things right again in Cantha, once we set up foot there again, so that they can return to their homelands andlive theire in peace again ,so that they don#t have to isolate themself in tyria anymore, then that would be a great way to introduce the Tengu as new playable race,. ANet would have showbn then, that they listedn to us and our wishes, proved then, that they can add also new playable races with the least minimum amount of effort needed by just 1 and stopping from doing it further then, because simply more added new races are just not neccessary. 6 playable races would be for a game with the dimensions of like GW2 more than enough.


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Can we please get away from the idea that new races are impossible to incorporate because of lack of manpower, clipping issues, lore issues or by being a minority project that does not bring much to the table? As true as that may be for some people, it hasn´t stopped Anet from incorporating minority content(raids), did not put them into need to correct clipping issues(any charr basically), made them not care about lore(Revenant lore, hello!) or lack of manpower(there is enough manpower to create minigames in the game itself).


Anet also had enough time to make skins for walking and talking balloons and cacti, place various cats in various instances, add plasmacannons and techgolems into a fantasy setting. Adding a race that has for example neither a Zhaitan, HoT or PoF story and just comes into play through the living story or the next expansion does not sound like a big deal to me.

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> @MoarChaos.8320 said:

> Can we please stay with the idea that new races are incredibly hard to provide, and permanently add work to all future updates and expansions.

Which is still blatantly incorrect, because other MMOs have managed to add new races just fine. It really isn't as much work as some make it out to be, as long as the base shape is similar to something that already exists.


Adding races such as Krait, Centaurs, or Dragons is surely out of question. But anything that walks on two legs? Not that much work.

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> @MoarChaos.8320 said:

> Can we please stay with the idea that new races are incredibly hard to provide, and permanently add work to all future updates and expansions.


Care to elaborate? I am no programming crack, but what makes it so hard to copy an already existing model and shove it into the character selection? A compability issue? Clipping issue? Voice for the character? Especially for the last point, the cost argument is a little bit silly. I liked Mark Hamil as the voice of the Joker for example, but I am pretty sure that the game would have been good too if any current actor graduate had taken the job. it´s a code, isn´t it? Can´t you replace the code for norn with the code for Tengu and have another cutscene? Surely it´s a little bit more complicated than that, but you get the point.


I can assure you that the Tengu supporters would not really object to an unknown voice actor, clipping issues and not having a personal story if that is your concern.


And if you re thinking of ressources needed to make it happen, tough luck. I was for examples adamantly against allocating ressources to minigames and raids because I thought of both as unfitting and unnecessary for GW2, but nobody asked me to be honest.^^

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hehe, there are a lot of people who wants the tengu (myself included)


I also like a lot the idea of dwarves, mostly cause gw2 Dwarves are very disctintive of other dwarves, but also cause i love their arquitecture and i would love to have a mineral race.

Is true that A-net could pul a stun and make the commander find a way to return all dwarves to flesh, and wouldn't have been the biggest eyerolling retcon they wouldve done, but IMO dwarves are better as minerals, Imagine all the crystalline formations you could pull off as "hair" and "beards"! (Plus if you have been playing A-Nets maps, is easy to see that hey have a pair of mineral geeks in their teams...


The only Retcon necessary Imo would be non stone clothes/armor (except maybe new collections and racial armor, the same way sylvary can wear non plant armors) and we are done.


As for other races, Ogres have actually been very fleshed out during the whole gw2 story (ascalonian ogres, Maguuma ogres, Elonian Ogres) so i would sactually enjoy an Ogre playable race. Plus if a cantha expansion ever happens, i would love to have an "Oni" :P.



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* Tengu

* They start at level 80 with no personal story outside of a five level instance that has a few hearts like the begining mission in PoF

* If your playing a tengu the old commander stayed dead against balth and Rytlock took down balth, if your not playing a tengu and your a normal commander who is not coming into the game a bit late then a tengu character joins dragons watch as a npc.

* We now have level 80 boosters that can be purchased, and they hand them out every expansion? There is no point to the leveling process anymore as we now can just skip all that and jump right into the game pretty much. So making a personal story outside of the explanation as to why the tengu are now coming out of their city is a waste of time, and I feel un-needed.

* The armor would be closer to humans as they stand up-right ( see the tengu scribe in your guild hall) so they would not have the same issues as the charr, they are also a bit thinner and less bulky than both norn and char so I Feel the scaling would function better.

* They would add interest and uniqueness just like the charr and asurans do to the game.

* They have not been a playable race in any other game?

* This needs to happen, simply because I wont be able to justify in my mind or any of the people I knows minds that an expansion will be worth it. Its apparent their narrative is a mess and their lore is screwed at this point. They added mounts and those can be our little "Joy" of movement option moving forward, we dont need anything more. Add a new race to justify the expansion.... Because the plot, the crappy specs and the potential new mounts wont be much to go on.... Unless those new specs are thematically superior to the PoF ones which seem to be to be the least interesting thing about the expansion.

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Another poll for the same, and again Skritt, Quaggan and Ogre options are missing. Please search the forum before making these.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5827/theoretically-what-new-playable-race-do-you-want/p1


The poll you linked is vastly different from this one. This poll has more plausible options than the other.


Krait, Mordrem Guard, and Djinn? Those three would never be a playable race. Seeing as how Mordrem Guards aren't an entirely different race but a group of races converted to serve Mordremoth. There have so far not been very many friendly krait IF there are any at all so they're ruled out. Djinn maybe but that's a long shot. And Skritt are right up there with Grawl and Jotun. Skritt are pretty simple minded as are the grawl. And Jotun as someone else pointed out, wouldn't make a good commander.


To me the poll you linked is more for fun. This one seems a little more serious.

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @MoarChaos.8320 said:

> > Can we please stay with the idea that new races are incredibly hard to provide, and permanently add work to all future updates and expansions.


> Care to elaborate? I am no programming crack, but what makes it so hard to copy an already existing model and shove it into the character selection? A compability issue? Clipping issue? Voice for the character? Especially for the last point, the cost argument is a little bit silly. I liked Mark Hamil as the voice of the Joker for example, but I am pretty sure that the game would have been good too if any current actor graduate had taken the job. it´s a code, isn´t it? Can´t you replace the code for norn with the code for Tengu and have another cutscene? Surely it´s a little bit more complicated than that, but you get the point.


> I can assure you that the Tengu supporters would not really object to an unknown voice actor, clipping issues and not having a personal story if that is your concern.


> And if you re thinking of ressources needed to make it happen, tough luck. I was for examples adamantly against allocating ressources to minigames and raids because I thought of both as unfitting and unnecessary for GW2, but nobody asked me to be honest.^^


Oh dear. I'd love to elaborate.


If their model or rig is different then Charr they don't have any clothes. Which means ALL skins have to be played with to fit, and if you think they're going to release something with all skins distant from or going into the body you're delusional and the discussion can end right there. If it's the same as charr then maybe no problems. I can easily see that the helm, gloves, and feet will most likely have problem, however. Next, even if they could copy and paste the code, all the unique names in the code need to be changed so that it's interacting properly with Tengu items now instead of Charr/Norn. But, if you're happy with that what was even the point? To have a re-skin of Charr/Norn with nothing new to their motion, feel, and character?


I agree no one would be unhappy with a new voice actor. Why in the world would they be? It's a character we've never heard before, why is this even being brought up? What it won't change is that it'll set an unprecedented task of somehow quickly voicing absolutely everything in the game that the player character has ever said. There's no shortcuts for that, an they're not just going to leave all old content mute.


Finally, it permanently adds extra work to the workflow. They now have a new race they have to make sure has distinct cultural lines, idle animations, etc. And you can't just say oh that's just a few things. Those few things can and do take away from the budget, and time needed to produce the game.


Also no one asked you about mini games and raids? Is that a joke or are you notifying everyone not to take you seriously? This game is amazing, and if you need to cushion your idea with short cuts, and just slap it together mentality, then it shouldn't even be considered.

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I was indeed just making a joke about nobody asking me about raids and minigames. I was trying to say that Anet does not really care if you as an individual see something as too work intensive or not worth the effort. If there is a majority or at least a significant minority for it, it could still come despite your protest.

You probably also know as good as I that anet does not always produce content by logical choices. I cannot remember that minigames had any kind of lobby for example, but still Anet thought of them as necessary for the continual development of the game. Mounts are off the table now and the next big thing asked for, much to my continual amazement, is housing and fishing.


And concering your argument about just a reskinned charr and the feeling of a given character, I find the portrayed charr society to be quite distateful and stay away from the Black Citadel as far as I can.

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I want tengu. Since day 1. I hope they are not going to do largos as they are basically underwater version dark elves of all the cliche fantasies and I really don't want to see dwarves being more than what they became after GW1. I think this game stands off sa having its own universe with its own unique races, without the need of using old, dusty cliches.

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I still wish the Guild Wars 2 races were human, charr, centaur, tengu, and dwarves, since they were the most notable races in GW1, and that still would have looked distinct from other fantasy games. I love the sylvari, norn, and asura as much as the next person, but I don't know why they were invented when we already had established races.


So I still want other races, and my number one pick is tengu. I still really want a game where centaur are playable, but the mount system probably put the final nail in that here.


I think the tengu have one of the best shots still, too. A lot of work was already done for them conceptually and story-wise, and their presence in the world makes certain things easier. For instance, even if the Dominion of Winds is opened as part of a _current_ plot, there are enough tengu that appear here and there to justify using the old Zhaitan story for playable tengu. It's not hard to imagine that one or two or a few tengu were involved in fighting Zhaitan, but it would only be when you catch up to the current story does the Dominion of Winds truly open and tengu start appearing in the story in large numbers.


I know adding a new race is a huge amount of work in this game, and perhaps is something they'll never be able to truly do, but I'll say again that such a situation would be a tragedy. Not only does Guild Wars have a deep history of other races that it would be unfortunate to never fully explore, but new races are an extremely popular feature and help draw in new players much more than other expansion features. Just look at how much new race discussions are still exciting people for World of Warcraft's next expansion.

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Although it's unrealistic, Tengu all the way. The Dwarves are near-extinct, the Kodan are too full of themselves, and the Jotun are all pretty much near-mindless brutal animals at the present. The Largos would be cool too to see.

If you mean as a playable race, no way. They'd have to do TONS of voice acting, and they'd have to do it TWICE for females and males, an entire personal story, models, they'd have to make it so the armor would fit on them, animations, fitting weapons to them, it'd be way too much work.

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> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> * They start at level 80 with no personal story outside of a five level instance that has a few hearts like the begining mission in PoF

> * If your playing a tengu the old commander stayed dead against balth and Rytlock took down balth, if your not playing a tengu and your a normal commander who is not coming into the game a bit late then a tengu character joins dragons watch as a npc.

> * We now have level 80 boosters that can be purchased, and they hand them out every expansion? There is no point to the leveling process anymore as we now can just skip all that and jump right into the game pretty much. So making a personal story outside of the explanation as to why the tengu are now coming out of their city is a waste of time, and I feel un-needed.

> * The armor would be closer to humans as they stand up-right ( see the tengu scribe in your guild hall) so they would not have the same issues as the charr, they are also a bit thinner and less bulky than both norn and char so I Feel the scaling would function better.


I agree minus these I quoted.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> This is a thought experiment of course, since new races will never ever be added. They'd have to design new skeletons/animations for every single profession and it would take a massive amount of development resource for VERY little gain.


as far as I know, tengu models use charr skeletons but can't find the source

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> @Chorne.8195 said:

> If you mean as a playable race, no way. They'd have to do TONS of voice acting, and they'd have to do it TWICE for females and males, an entire personal story, models, they'd have to make it so the armor would fit on them, animations, fitting weapons to them, it'd be way too much work.

Far from it. I've seen larger projects pulled off by a team of three with minimal funding. ArenaNet has over 300 employers, there's absolutely no chance that it'd be 'too much work'.


Voice acting isn't even worth mentioning. All stories combined, there's only a few hours of spoken dialogue for the player character, most voice actors get that much done in a couple of sessions. And refitting armor on new models is simple (I know that from personal experience), though in case of Tengu, most boots and gloves will require remodeling. Not to mention the headgear. Animations will require some work, but nothing that professional animator couldn't handle. It's nothing to get hung about.

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Another poll for the same, and again Skritt, Quaggan and Ogre options are missing. Please search the forum before making these.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5827/theoretically-what-new-playable-race-do-you-want/p1


'I left em out because of limited options and reasonability. Though in hindsight ogre would've been better than krait

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