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Constant disconnects have me on the edge of quitting

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I've been having these problems since maybe a couple weeks ago, but not before that. And tonight (just now) I got kicked again but this time I can't get back in as I guess the log in server isn't responding. If there's maintenance or something, I can't find details.

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  • 6 months later...

I've been having this issue for about a year where I'm in a story instance and after a cutscene the film reel will appear over my character's head or during usual gameplay the screen will go black and I've read forums and tried most things until I found an ethernet cable and tried that yesterday and I FINALLY managed to finish Victory or Death with no problems and continue playing with no disconnects.

I'm sure people have tried using an ethernet cable (as it suggests on the site) to enable a more stable internet connection and it may have not worked, but if you haven't yet tried this option I would suggest to do so and see if it helps at all. :)

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It is, without a doubt, an ANET issue. Our group has players from all over the US and Canada. Different ISPs, Different distances to ANET. Totally different traceroutes. But, we are getting a large number of our members booted ( DC'd ) at the same time. Pretty much always during the end of story cinematics. ANET is fully aware. ANET is doing sweet "F" all to fix it. It has been an ongoing issue for more way than a year. ( And is fast becoming far worse ). Always the same BS from Tech Support. They blame you, your ISP or your grandmothers apple pie but, they will not take responsibility. About all you can do, when the final cinematics are running, keep moving, hitting skills, whatever, but, keep files flowing between you and ANET and, hope for the best. It "may" help if their server doesn't see nothing coming in and presume you are gone which, as I understand it, triggers a disconnect. Whatever, don't count on ANET to do anything. Many have tried, many have failed, many have quit GW2 and moved on to other games from other developers. If you put in a ticket, they will ask you to send a file that doesn't exist because you got booted. They will ask for a traceroute diagnostic which, you will send and then you will hear nothing. I know we have at least 20 to 25 in our guild who are looking for another game instead of this one. Good Luck folks.

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I have same problem on EU server.

Log-in server problem errors since last game update. Almost all the time. While in-game, changing map and even sometimes in launcher after typing password and pressing LOG IN button.


I'm playing GW2 since PoF release. Same computer, same internet provider, same everything.. All log-in server problem errors started since new patch.

And it's getting worse and worse every day.

When asked on map chat many players telling they have same problem.


Can ArenaNet do something with it already..?

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  • 4 months later...

It's so frustrating though! It doesn't even always happen during story instances. I'm just trying to craft something and keep disconnecting. It happened like 2 or 3 days ago, right after a patch, and I haven't played since then. I understand that this game doesn't have a monthly subscription, but neither do a lot of games with much better response times for fixing issues. Especially when those issues make the game unplayable.

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