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DC to character select error code 7:11:3:191:101

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I got back into gw2 after like 6+ years of not playing. However, now I have a lot of DC issues. They usually happen before or after cutscenes. So that makes progressing through story mode insanely frustrating. The DCs also occur quite frequently after pvp matches on the screen where it shows all the stats and there's a button to press "leave match". Like 60% of the time when I browse through the stats and then try and click "leave match" I just get DCed to the character selection screen. I also very rarely get DCed just crafting or buying things on the trading post. I have googled the error code and turns out this is quite an old issue. Posts from over 2 years ago people have stated they have the same issue as me. So arenanet is aware of this issue but to this day it's still not fixed. I have put in a support ticket over 20 days ago that to this day they still are incapable of solving the issue for me. They went from saying it's my internet's fault to corrupted installation to saying it's my hardware now. I'm hoping someone here can help me.


picture of error: https://i.imgur.com/8g6h13c.png


links of other people describing the exact same issue:


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Hi, and sorry tohear you have this issue.

Code 7.11.etc indicates that the connection between the game and the game server has been lost. This can have three causes.

1: The gameserver is down. If this would be the case, there would be a huge topic on this forum with many furated people demanding a solution, that gets about 10 posts per second.

2: There is an issue at your end. Try resetting your internet modem and restarting everything. If it happens more often, there might be a case of faulty equipment or a cable.

3: there is an issue with your ISP. The ISP is responsable for the route taken to the arenanet server. A while ago,they switched locations. Some people have a better route now and some got the lesser end.


If you want to investigate further, you migth want to generate a diagnostics file:


> Guild Wars 2 has a built-in tool that allows you to gather network information while the game is running in order to verify your connectivity to the game server. This is done using a temporary command line parameter placed in the target line of your game shortcut.


> Gathering Network Information

> Open your Guild Wars 2 folder.

> Right-click on GW2.exe and select Create Shortcut.

> Right-click on GW2.exe - Shortcut and select Rename.

> Rename the shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic.

> Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic and select Properties.

> Locate the Target line and add -diag after the existing text. Your target line should now look something like this: C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -diag

> Click OK to save your changes.

> Generating a Network Diagnostic Report

> diag.png


> Double click Guild Wars 2 Diagnostic to start the test.

> Once the test has completed, click View Results.

> The resulting NetworkDiag.log file will be automatically saved to your ...\Documents\Guild Wars 2 folder—the same place where your screenshot folder is located.


You can share this file here, but you can also contact support by clicking the link at the top of this page

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  • 1 year later...

I have been having this problem as well

Except now it is happening consistently in one particular spot in the game

The story quest "Blast from the Past" after the cut scene where the ship comes down, I go back to my character, the game lags, preventing my character from moving, and the movie reel icon is over my head, and then I DC


This has happened SEVERAL times in a row now, and all with the exact same results

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