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TP not working

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FYI the TP is just a browser, specially written for games, that ANet uses to interact with the game's TP API. Like any browser, it can get befuddled if your computer momentarily loses connection to the main servers. Unfortunately, the error reporting to us as players is ...weak, as in not informative.


With regular browser glitches, you could refresh, hard refresh, or close it. Unfortunately for GW2, there's only 'refresh' which is closing the TP and opening it again. If it keeps hiccuping, then you need to restart it and there's no in-game way to do that, which is why closing the game is recommended.


(It used to be that we could use the task manager to close "Coherent UI" manually; these days, that can crash the game.)


See also:

[Official Support Site Article on TP Issues](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273908-Troubleshooting-Trading-Post-Errors)

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> Was a problem with my ISP, works now. Oddly only GW2 related problem was the TP. So yeah, false alarm!


Yeah, interestingly the game can run while the TP fails (or vice versa). They aren't necessarily running on the same physical machine.

(That's also why sometimes you can lose connection to friends & guilds and chat in general, while still having no problem playing.)

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